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Everything posted by Clicheking

  1. 3 reason we wont 1. flight 2. of 3. stairs
  2. Lol..not gonna happen, especially with Gentleman at the helm.
  3. I like this signing very solid player from everything I read, wish it was a two yr deal though On a another note I have a question for everyone.....why is everyone so anxious to put Bene back in the slot he was arguably our best corner when he lined up outside
  4. I dont mind the signing as a special team body but how the hell did he get that contract. He should consider himself lucky to get league minimum.
  5. Great trade for the Rams. They did not exchange first round picks btw. Traded an oft injured 13 mil qb for a 1.3 mil qb and got a 2nd rnd pick. They Rams must of completed that trade with a ski mask on.
  6. I'd love this signing as long as the price is right. Was high on him coming out in the draft
  7. Meh....not overly impressed but he can't be worse than Bell. We should treat this signing for what it is backup depth and pray for the best.
  8. Didn't seem true when I heard it. Deangelo always did have some diva in him
  9. Pay that man!!! something reasonable of course
  10. Not buying it first of all. With that said just go Deangelo no need for this. You had a good run but its over
  11. Nice guy by all accounts, had no business being a starting OT in the league though
  12. Welp good game fellas/ladies.....I'll be the next week, cant wait!!
  13. I want to see what this post game show is like on TWC, want to see if this Panther Channel is worth a damn
  14. Hmmmmm running game magically looks better with Reaves in...........strangest thing
  15. Cant stop King and got pissed off,,,,you don't want none of the King bitch
  16. Swole Bones made a nice adjustment......difficult catch though
  17. Blanchard looking shaky.......Won't be keeping 3 qb's anyway
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