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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. My work as well when a VP asked me to take his latest Harvard grad onto my team…I was ‘what does he do….i need someone who can ‘do’ vs read about what others have done ‘
  2. Thing is …it is conjecture Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk reported on Sunday that there's a belief that the decision to select Young was made by team owner David Tepper, and others fell in line because they didn't want to ruffle any feathers. "It's believed in some league circles that the Panthers drafted Bryce Young because Tepper wanted him, and that the people who work for him are saying they did, too, because they know what's good for them," Florio stated.
  3. lol, sure Frank, And if frogs had wings, they wouldn’t bump their ass
  4. Well, why exactly is a rookie changing the play call in this situation … that’s a better question…seldom when young does that is it successful Dalton is no magician but this team would not be so incompetent with him playing
  5. What’s ridiculous….people thinking billionaire owners ‘stay out of’ their billionaire purchases Not the way the real world works Too, doubt he gives two shakes of a rats ass about the Huddles’ collective opinions are…we are just the ‘little people’ ….pro sports sucks sometimes and this era is certainly one of them …I’ll say this for them, not only do they suck, they are historically offensively bad …anything worth doing is worth doing right…they do the same mistakes over and over and over
  6. Need 16. Run the route. Pass for what 8 smart.
  7. All the more reason to have Miles in there not Chubba because you know, he’s such a great blocker
  8. How lucky we are to have you cite that for all for us thank you for your service
  9. Thank god the Huddle has such a historian to guide us through these dark times
  10. I do know almost everyone in this board knows what I don’t know is why you feel the need to be the ‘educator’ ..,and many times, it IS that simple
  11. Plenty of people ‘in the league’ thought the Panthers had an ‘all star coaching staff’ and were a shoo in for the NFC South you are not the only one on this board who has followed the nfl for decades those who can, do, and those who can’t, talk (or write about it)
  12. Btw Bryce’s parents in Alabama gear today. Don’t blame them
  13. Lol news flash, neither are you You aren’t a GM either You are a fan like the rest of us The bottom line in life, everyone has a Boss and you gotta handle your boss in any scenario if you wanna succeed. Sorry The NFL is no different
  14. Again. Who are you hiring. Are you keeping Reich. Changing the staff? ive worked for plenty of bosses in corporate IT who interfered, were bullies, were idiots, their egos in the way vs the good of the team and client. That, is the real world . Part of any high profile job is managing your manager. Not buying what you are selling we can agree to disagree. But the whole ‘interfering’ ’ narrative to me is tiresome I seem to recall meetings JR had with his coaches too. Rare would be a billionaire owner who doesn’t interfere
  15. Again why defer every won toss starting fromBehind. Yay remember when we had a qb who could plow forward for .5 yards
  16. I don’t work for free. I don’t work for self actualization i work for money so, who are you hiring perform, and Tepper will reward. Don’t perform and you are gone. That is the way of Fortune 500…for better or worse he was extremely patient with Rhule. I applaud him for pulling the plug on Reich if he does. Why continue this mediocre show. He made a mistake. Correct it. Go on
  17. lol. Ok who is good ? pay your money and take your chances These owners all take risks some are luckier than others Don’t want a retread, dont want a college coach, don’t want coordinators because many are better as coordinators than head men all I know is they are zero worse than now…the last series as an example of worse
  18. Why do they always defer…it’s ne er done them any good…if anything they go down 7
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