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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. I’m sad about Spencer Brown I never saw him not give 100% pluS
  2. He isn’t even trying he is a headcase. Surprised they are keeping him ill say too, horn does not need to be out there
  3. There are a lot of physical specimens QBs taken in with the first 3 picks of the draft who are either out of the league, underachieving or backups i don’t know how Bryce will do mi know he is smart enough to do his best to stay out of harms way and smart enough to know where his players are … as for me, well, hope, for the very best I seemed to recall Simms thought Corral was a first rounder, truth in disclosure, of that qb draft class, I did too.
  4. I don’t mean to offer hope but we must remember that their are final cuts coming …..from other teams it’s not final until it’s final
  5. GOAT is just saying out loud what most fans of the Panthers think whether we want to admit it or not …there are always the few posters on here who like to be ‘above the fray’ and analytical. More power to them but ‘analytical’ doesn’t sale tickets, or merchandise or commercials or create new fans Fact is football is a sport of passion and skill and dominant personalities and hope Too many seasons in their history, the Panthers have none of this what they do have is seemingly to always be on the wrong side of the equation…whether it’s released, or former players rubbing our nose in it, or our incompetence losing a Super Bowl, or the owner being removed for his behavior or a Wr contracting to kill his girlfriend or a wife (I think they were married) killing Fred Lane or Kevin Greene choking a coach or Greg Hardy with his guns or the on field being abysmal. Watching all of this play out. year in and year out with a few good seasons, is exhausting …so here comes this year, fresh start, all star coaching staff, no 1 draft pick, and while no one should expect an instant turnaround, I don’t think anyone was expecting preseason to be this abysmal or the Panthers to be laughed at by the Jets for the world to see on Hard Knocks….surely they can look competent at something. …that ‘hope thing’ you know….powerful drug…the NFL sells it and we buy it ..and the Panthers do what they do best with hope. with the Panthers, I have no longer have expectations I will always want them to do well but, I’ve started turning them off by first half these days
  6. That is all good and well but they have had zero rhythm and that just does not bod well I get what preseason is about I get we have players out of the lineup, but honest to god, they look like they have zero clue Imho they paid Brown handsomely. I’m sure he didn’t Leave the rams to hold the clip board for Reich So let the coordinators do their job I like Reich but he isn’t Andy Reid and the Panthers aren’t the Chiefs.
  7. @jmac. was going to say the same thing granted lesser players, but the play calling was exponentially better With brown doing it
  8. At least we know the giants have 2 QBs
  9. Seeing this….really concerned it’s not like it’s an on off switch for regular season
  10. They wanted to see if the one trick pony could do more ………..
  11. They are keeping their cards close to their chest lol
  12. For real lol im not sure there are cards to show. They aren’t doing the basics here they are getting beat 1x1 everywhere they look fuging lost. If this is there cards, lord help us all
  13. Not a physical team. That, is disappointing
  14. I wonder if Bryce looked so good in camp playing against the panthers defense I get it’s exhibition but it’s exhibition for the Giants too
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