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Everything posted by amcoolio

  1. Their first string dominated to the tune of if this were a real game it could be 31-0 or worse I don't think they care as much that their 3rd string is getting lit up
  2. Its disheartening that Jacksonville, who spent a top 5 pick on a WR that completely busted just a few years ago, started from scratch 2 years ago with no WR's, and didn't sign one in free agency, and Oakland, who completely started from scratch at WR two seasons ago, have way, way better WR cores than we do
  3. "Our D line is mostly backups" yeah because our starters can't stay healthy. I don't feel good about Star playing 16 games, he probably plays 5 if that. Same with Short and Johnson, generally players who can't get on the field once throughout training camp end up like 2011-2014 Jonathan Stewart. You can tell the team is down about KB as well. There's little energy.
  4. Tanehill 12/15 102 yds 1 TD Newton 0/4 1 INT Offense in big trouble, our D-Line is a mess..... its only preseason, but this looks like a 6-10 team. Need to clean house offensively. Its genuinely offensive that we trot out Shula and his inefficient bottom 5 of the league offense with one of the best QB weapons ever for the 3rd straight year.
  5. Congratulations man. It's insane that you landed your dream job in just 4 years after graduating from App state. Thank god we finally have a real Panther fan doing our local radio.
  6. I went to school with Chris and was in the majority of his classes and worked on the same projects. App state radio and broadcasting major. It's crazy that he's now the wfnz afternoon anchor just 4 years later. I think he would prefer North Carolina over any other markets. He was a big Bobcats and Panthers fan just like I was, as well as college basketball.
  7. I thought Cam was really bad. But then again or right side of the O-line was really bad as well. But Cam just doesn't look like a good QB right now, regardless of O-line. He is staring down receivers repeatedly, extremely late on throwing the ball, and overthrowing by a wide margin when he does throw it early. He needs to quit worrying about the possible interception and make a damned decision with the ball when its in his hands. There are several examples recently of QB's with horrific O-lines who are still effective because they get the ball out and make quick decisions.
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