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Everything posted by ncsfinest21

  1. Tepper is becoming another Jerry Jones. Everything he has wanted he has gotten and has failed. From Matt Rhule and holding him to long to Same Darnold to Baker. Everything he has wanted has been trash. Let the coaches who have played the position and GM figure things out. Ultimately the coaches should have the say so and leave it to them
  2. And I love Smitty but the last player he liked alot was DJ Moore and he was solid but got traded because he wasnt dominant. We need alphas on this team. True dawgs. Bryce isnt that. Stroud is because he didnt come from a silver spoon. I want Stroud. Dude knows how to overcome.
  3. Im sticking with Sroud. Bryce has all the intangibles but the second he tries to scramble everybody will hold their breath. Ill take a pocket passer all day.
  4. I know high school kids that can score a 96 on this thing. Does that mean they are ready for the NFL? One guys name is Bryce Young. Oh wait he isnt a high schooler?
  5. Thats true but he will still get pushed around alot. If he throws it a tad late, he will easily get pushed or worse. They are going to be relentless on him for his size.
  6. Cam was banged up because they ran him alot. Bryce will get banged up trying his "magic". He will get hit for holding the ball too long. His frame wont take it imo. Yea he got hit in college but we have to remember, coverage is much tighter in the NFL and holding that ball will cost you. Thats why I like CJ. CJ can hit the slant and see over the line very well. With Bryce the slant route may be impossible.
  7. Na two will be a bust. Its very rare that multiple QBs taken in the first have a successful career. Usually its 1 or maybe 2 that does but not all them
  8. Same but I dont see him making noise for 4 years and either he plays better after he figures out how to work with his size but that will be after we cut him. Or he is the biggest bust in history.
  9. Look forward to a elementary school student walking into a huddle with high schoolers
  10. You actually make a solid point. Picking a player over size or too small can be a issue. Picking a player like Morant you got a superstar.
  11. People forget he was drafted by the chargers and it took him years to figure out how to get around his lack of size. If we take Young, he will be gone in a couples years and become good year 6. We dont have time to wait around 6 years to figure that out. He we someone who can deliver the ball and high accuracy. That something that develops very quickly with the playbook and knowing your receivers.
  12. if anything he shouldve learned by now is whoever he wants pick opposite.
  13. man if tepper doesnt stop thinking feelings wins championships. i swear...
  14. Man its about accuracy fo me fup the rest of this other stuff. Stroud throws darts and in stride. Give me Stroud.
  15. IMO, I'd rather have the player that played all the games except GA that averaged almost 300 yards passing. Id rather he not scramble but only if he has to but showed you he can. Young tries to scramble he will break apart like a lego.
  16. MJ also had a better career but botched on draft picks so that point is useless. Give me the guy with accuracy and great footwork. I want a great QB who can throw it on a dime and in stride.
  17. And these talks about CJ had better receivers. Yes, they are better because someone knows how to put the ball in their hands. You put a crappy QB on OSU and guess what. You'll say the receivers are garbage. We have good enough WR in Carolina. Stroud will excel.
  18. McCown has played QB and so has Reich. They know what they need and its Stroud.
  19. I would love Kincaid if he is available. But I think we will get Gibbs in the 2nd.
  20. We wont care until the season ends and we are either drafting #1 again or in the playoffs.
  21. It comes down to which ones are more fixable. Ill take the one that struggles on the left. Minor correction fixes that. Long passes only get harder in the NFL. I wouldnt mind neither but Stroud is just better with his ball placement.
  22. I thought he threw well too. But regardless of trash receivers or not, he has been throwing to those receivers the whole year and should be familiar with their speeds. So he doesn't get a pass for missing from me.
  23. I swear the Panthers are treating this like they are on the Batchelor and doing home interviews.
  24. Its Stroud for me. His footwork is better. His throwing motion is better. I like young too but sometimes his footwork isnt good on his throws. Young size didnt effect him in college but NFL is different. Dont know if itll translate over well.
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