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Everything posted by cgarsmoker

  1. I'm glad you shared that....I can see why you may be more partial towards those guys. It makes perfect sense now. Thanks again.
  2. This could very well be true...if it is, I wouldn't fault the Patriots at all. From what I read, the NFL had been notified before the game and the refs planned to check the Patriots balls at halftime. If this was the basic plan by the NFL, I would bet they meticulously tested those balls to have accurate record of any changes that may have occurred. This is one of those speculative things that needs be judged after the report comes out. Aaron Rogers was complaining about the refs deflating his balls so your Bears ball boy comment about refs not measuring anything doesn't carry much weight since Rogers himself disputes that. Why are you so compelled to defend the Patriots in such a vigorous way? You seem to go beyond the objective onlooker to where you're obviously biased in your opinion. It seems odd watching a Panther fan be so passionate towards defending another team.
  3. Each team provides it own footballs on offense so no, they wouldn't be using the same football. Juicy Tidbit: Tom Brady was one of the players who lobbied the league a few years ago to allow each team to provide their own balls for every game. The league changed the rules to accommodate the QBs request.
  4. Let me explain it to you. Any team can submit balls to the ref before the game that are over or under inflated. The Packers admit they present balls over inflated because that's how Rogers likes them. The Referee deflates the balls to within the rules and the balls are deemed ready for play. Rogers complained on his radio show that he wished the NFL wouldn't deflated the balls. None of what I just mentioned is not a violation of the rules or considered cheating. Rogers never admitted cheating and the NFL never accused them of cheating because the ball were never altered after being deemed ready for play. If you have something that indicates the balls were over inflated after the NFL deemed them ready for play, I'd love to see it. If not, then you're drawing a conclusion that isn't based on fact. You can speculate all you want but that doesn't make it true. I have no problem admitting I'm wrong if you can support your claims but I've read your posts and do not draw the same conclusions.
  5. That would be nice except your video doesn't support that claim. Anybody that wants to read back a few pages will see you're making it up as you go along. You have nothing that supports what you say. You were even wrong about the process in place to check balls by the NFL before a game yet.....you posted as if you knew. I posted a link to the actual process that disputes what you said. Where did your info come from? I'll make sure I wait for that link even though I'll be waiting a long, long, time.
  6. Actually all it proves is, the Patriots didn't need under inflated balls to beat the Colts. It also shows how stupid it was to pull that crap to begin with because it was entirely unnecessary. As for subverting the rules to gain an unfair advantage, that case is wide open until the League renders it's decision.
  7. You are incorrect.... Balls are only checked once. The assertion you make about the Packers altering the psi after game approval is nonsense until you have some way of backing it up. Rogers never stated or admitted to that and it's irresponsible to suggest he did. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_spot/2015/01/19/nfl_investigates_patriots_for_deflated_game_balls_versus_colts.html
  8. The second inspection you're referring to doesn't jive with the NFL procedures I've read about. I could be wrong because I'm no rules expert but I haven't seen anything to support your interpretation of events. If the process you describe was in place, it seems like the refs would have caught and corrected the 11 out of 12 under inflated balls in New England. Just my opinion...
  9. You're statement isn't backed up by your video. The balls are only inspected for weight and psi before the game. That's the only time air would be added or removed by a referee. No one has indicated the balls were altered after "deemed ready for play" before the game as you suggest.
  10. http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/2014/story/_/id/12201369/aaron-rodgers-green-bay-packers-upset-referees-take-air-footballs I think common sense would indicate the balls are deflated by the refs during pregame inspection, which is precisely what Rogers is complaining about. I see no indication of the Packers altering the PSI of of balls after they are deemed legal for play. How is that cheating? The Pats are accused of tampering with balls after NFL inspection. Thats a pretty big distinction that you seem to overlook.
  11. So people are saying Brady prefers his balls to be softer. If by saying, "that doesn't surpise me at all" makes me a hater...so be it. Not that their's anything wrong with that.
  12. Maybe you don't realize that I don't give a sh*t about the Colts or the Pats and apparently can't grasp a very simple concept. Regardless, enjoy the Patriots win Panther fan.
  13. I'm not doubting your integrity at all....My points were directed towards the "theory that a team may have cheated" and not directly at the Pats specifically in this game because we don't know if it's true.
  14. I'm not passing judgement....I have no idea of whether it's true or not. Defending the Pats record isn't necessary because it's not about the Patriots. My point is simple. I think cheating doesn't make you smart, it means you lack basic integrity. That's all and it goes for all teams so please don't make the Pats some martyr for being accused.
  15. Who are you even talking too? I haven't seen anybody say deflated balls was why the Colts lost. I know I'm not remotely implying that. If the Pats used under inflated balls contrary to the rules. - that's cheating. That simple point has nothing to do with excuses, the final score, or hate for any franchise. It's pretty basic....I'm opposed to cheating regardless of who's doing it - that's just me.
  16. I hope it's nothing more than sour grapes from a local Colts reporter. Believe it or not, I wasn't hating on the Pats specifically....I would feel the same way if it were the Panthers.
  17. What's the point of that that mantra? Either using deflated balls is acceptable or it isn't. I don't care for the Patroits or the Colts so it isn't about making excuses for winning or losing, it's about basic fairness and having integrity. The final score doesn't really matter does it?
  18. I saw the game....I do not think it is the reason the Colts lost the game at all. That doesn't mean it didn't give the Patroits an advantage though. There is a reason the NFL has rules concerning inflated balls....ya know, to keep it fair for both teams? I have no idea if it's true but I wouldn't be proud of the Panthers if we were doing it.
  19. Any attempt to subvert the rules to gain an unfair advantage shows a distinct lack of integrity. That may not mean much to you, it obvious it doesn't mean anything to the Pats, but thank goodness it isn't a lost concept on everyone. I have no idea if it's true but Im sure we will find out.
  20. I was thinking about that as well... I've done a few yahoo mock drafts and I haven't seen him drafted at all in a 10 team draft. Another guy that I haven't seen drafted yet....Steve Smith. Both would be available in the last round.
  21. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=889142614447919&set=o.75544373046&type=1 I can't believe Waste Management won't empty this container.
  22. I did miss that......everybody has a bad game and if you admit you made mistakes, you can accept it and get better. If you deny it, I think it shows a lack of maturity in improving your performance. I'm glad you brought it to my attention.
  23. Didn't Travelle Wharton play tackle on year when somebody got hurt? I think he was at least serviceable.....maybe he will come back in a pinch. Heck, anybody will be better than Bell. He was so bad at right tackle, I have zero confidence in him at LT. I don't care that he is left handed. I remember the buffalo game where he was abused and said after the game he didn't play that bad? WTF? He isn't in touch with the realities of the NFL. When you play bad and can't admit it, I don't have much respect for you.
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