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About cgarsmoker

  • Birthday 05/02/1971

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  1. Hey, where do you usually go watch games at?

    1. cgarsmoker


      Buffalo Wild Wings usually has all the games so I head to one of them.  The one in Palm Bay is usually pretty good but very few Panthers fans.  

  2. After living 8 years surrounded by Steelers and Eagles fans.......I hate them both with a passion. Mostly because I know the faces of the men that will be crying bitter tears if the Steelers lose this one.
  3. Yep Sam Wyche.....thanks for that correction. Steve didn't sound right in my head but I figured it was close. LoL
  4. All that's missing is Steve Wyshe (??) to grab a mic and start yelling to the fans (this isn't Cleveland, we don't throw stuff onto the field!!). Anybody else remember that game?
  5. Did Nance just say the stadium announcer asked the crowd to settle down?
  6. I can't believe that wasn't a penalty.
  7. It still burns me when I think of the pundits yapping on about "the Panthers won because the Seattle D busted a coverage". Yes that was the game winning drive but it's not like we didn't score on 3 other 80 yard drives before that play. It's no wonder those fans are insufferable, the media is all over them. To quote Ron Rivera before our last Seattle game, "they had their time......it is our time now." Seahawks better get used to that idea because they have to come cross country to us this time and they don't have the crowd noise to help them through the playoffs. Speaking of crowd noise.....I hope BOA is rocking and shows them what REAL crowd noise is all about.
  8. Steve young thinks Luke has a bad haircut. Can you believe the ish those clowns have to say?
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