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About bleys

  • Birthday 03/02/1984

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  1. Regardless, we can all agree that’s a weird opinion, right?
  2. That’s your take on Burrow?
  3. change that to be about Panthers fans and it would be just as appropriate.. That would make a funny meme too..
  4. 4 games for a joint should put it in perspective...
  5. you didn't go for the best choice scenario... should of said he wouldn't even be able to hobble...
  6. Cam said he isn't going to walk.. Loves this team too much.
  7. nahhh, all you have to do is consider them on the Bears defense ....
  8. the equivalent of thinking something sounds brilliant until you say it out loud....
  9. Yeah, on that note, he clearly didn't suck the few times he played.
  10. Can I pie you 4 or 12 times because..... Life bro
  11. saying Cam doesn't want Kapernick's contract isn't saying much when you look at it again. Cam Newton obviously deserves a real franchise QB contract to start.
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