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Ja Rhule

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Everything posted by Ja Rhule

  1. Poverty countries? The whole Western Europe live, breath and eat soccer. Might wanna check ur facts again. NASCAR is poo compared to Formula 1. NASCAR popular only down south for a reason.
  2. I also watch Europa League. It's on Thursday and it's like the only sport happening on Thursday.
  3. Doesn't say who's tits. I'll show him my pair.
  4. He's there to protect and serve.
  5. Ukraine Got Talent is the name of the show. No wonder Ruskies are after Ukraine.
  6. Now mix these 2 together and u got delicious bacon.
  7. I met Bisquit... he got big muscular tits.
  8. I was 208lbs until I start lifting again... Now, 1 month later I'm 215lbs. But I can tell I slimmed down a little. I lift for about 70 minutes 2-3 times a week. I do a lot of chest... I do sets of 8 with dumbbells. I start with 55lbs then 70bs, then 65lbs then 60lbs then 55lbs then 50lbs then 45lbs and then 40lbs. Then I use chest and shoulder machines usually 3 sets of 8 around 100lbs. Then I do biceps and triceps. Then I do sit-ups, pull-ups and other crap.
  9. I need to slimdown as well but I refuse to cutdown on food I eat. I will eat smaller portions but I will continue to eat fast food (1-2 times a week) and I will reduced my alcohol intake to just weekends (beer and wine). I'm 6'1 and 215lbs. I can run 7k without stopping and i'm in pretty good physical shape... I just got a beer belly
  10. I start working out and jugging again. What's up? I ran 5k last night in under 35 minutes after taking about a year break.
  11. This is a femur from dinosaur.
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