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About falconlynx

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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  1. Same thoughts lobo. I’ve never been so wrong.
  2. Thompkins in at PR. Blackshear must be hurt.
  3. I’m in the same boat. I thought Bryce was toast and the smallest bust ever. However, he now looks like Bama Bryce the last 3-4 games and I’m now excited to watch his development.
  4. I wanted to keep Burns. I was definitely wrong. Many of y’all were right on.
  5. Man, that’s too far to call yourself a UNC fan. Mack needs to go, but it can be after a win next week.
  6. During the UNC game, did Steve Smith say something about being traded to the 49ers, but he declined it? Yes he did, never knew that!
  7. Hampton is a baller. Will be a good get in the draft for another team next year.
  8. Good to fight through that. Chiefs up next!
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