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About falconlynx

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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  1. I’ve liked Tremble. For some reason though, Ian Thomas was always in ahead of him. He produces when he’s on the field. See him as a good locker room guy making progress and still oozing potential.
  2. Dude is a huge diva and a cancer to the offense. Couldn’t stand watching him on that Netflix Receiver show.
  3. Bryson Nesbit ran poorly. There goes that mid round projection I had. Maybe we can get him as a UDFA.
  4. Homer pick and probably later than mid-round, but Bryson Nesbit. Very athletic / physical TE that had a few injuries that limited his stats. Would love to have another TE like him on the roster.
  5. I was wrong about Bryce and I’m very glad about it. Good rebound for the little guy.
  6. Lots of good thoughts for the offseason. Definitely feel we need a new DC.
  7. Same thoughts lobo. I’ve never been so wrong.
  8. I’m in the same boat. I thought Bryce was toast and the smallest bust ever. However, he now looks like Bama Bryce the last 3-4 games and I’m now excited to watch his development.
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