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Everything posted by rippadonn

  1. Don't agree. Nothing about his time as a starter says that. He will be trouble.
  2. I look at Cam as a success. We did waste opportunities while he was here. Hindsight, they should have focused on winning while Cam and Luke where here instead of some obvious mistakes virtue signaling and whatnot at times, which in itself is foolishness.
  3. Yeah, not happy about Tampa. They've basically got (statistically)a beast in Kyle Trask watching learning and waiting behind Brady.
  4. Yoga and vitamins for this dude in the off-season.
  5. Tepper has a timetable in his head and it has more to do with his timetable than whatever contract you may have (Cam). He wanted a franchise QB because having been through that now knows for a fact YOU NEED a franchise QB. He now knows the face of your franchise the leader has to be a QB not a RB, without that jersey sales suffer and you're laying off people from the team store. Apparently he thought Fields was that guy. I'd pray for this coach. I'm hoping beyond hope Sam is the truth, but if he isn't, I think inevitably heads will roll.
  6. LaMelo is the truth tho. Proven rookie of the year. Lose Miles AND PJ and he steps up. I don't want to hear the whining about the Martins. Those boys can ball. Whenever they're asked to fill holes they step up!
  7. He ain't ready. Give him some time.
  8. Yeah, happy to have been on the bandwagon but he's now behind enemy lines.
  9. Before the injury he was playing like sixth man of the year. Will he even get six points tonight? Idk
  10. We always drive them away sooner or later on the huddle Greg Hardy was on here and knuckleheads ran him off too. Never know how much these guys would have shared if we were nice. Haters. I hope Dan comes back, I didn't get to CheezMo's sp before it closed. People had great things to say.
  11. As hard as these athletes work, conditioning for their particular position, having played football just last year at a high level, step up big boy! He should want that opportunity and damn sure shouldn't let it go. That's a premium position in the NFL. Id have no problem playing him at LT right away.
  12. A- Until I see if Fields was worth #8, if so B-
  13. Can he be better than Jake Delhomme? Yet to be seen as far as playing for one of the historically worst teams for developing QBs. We SHOULD have won the Superbowl with our once in a franchise A1 QB. We really SHOULD have won it with Jake, they were unstoppable on offense and only needed 30+ seconds, Cheatriots couldn't stop em. What I've learned is you need stellar defense and an above average QB to make it to the top. We'll all get to see if Sam qualifies as above average, to which I would say THANK YOU and move on. I hope he's it.
  14. Beating the Charlotte Hornets no longer means shutting down one or two guys. You've got about 8 potential 20pt scorers to worry about.
  15. It's impossible to win a championship without being in the playoffs so just do that and get healthy fast. I'll take a 5% chance than no chance at all. Get your young guys playoff experience. The heart I've seen this team play with bodes well for playoff series. If this team gets hot they've proven they can be trouble for anybody.
  16. Brad Hoover had a lot to do with this play. Hoooov!
  17. Off topic but, Fred Lane never went down on first contact either. That run by Foster reminded me of Fred Lane, his teammate.
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