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Everything posted by rippadonn

  1. Cam would take on this challenge in a heartbeat. You may be right though but the competitor in him would relish coming back home to his adoring fans and hit the supercam in BofA and the place go absolutely nuts as it would and should. Who cares if he wasn't prototypical? He was your guy. He so badly did not want to leave this place. Others turn us down.
  2. Honestly if THIS defense had just a little more help from the offense this would be a pretty good team. I said before this season that our defense would beast. I also said this offense wouldn't be able to score enough points in a dog fight.
  3. Cam would be fun to watch regardless. He would instantly make DJ a top receiver again, they had a great connection. Cam would fill the void of leadership that is missing on offense almost immediately. Haters gonna keep hating though. The thing is, I'd pay for that ticket. Right the wrong let a rookie QB sit behind him, let him retire with full Panther honors and the respect he deserved. Better than this sht show obviously.
  4. He has to take the blame or credit that is due. His credit sucks right now.
  5. Damn. Smh. We've lost any collective pride we may have had left.
  6. No clue and can't get a clue from coaches.
  7. Get a real NFL coach and the turnaround will be much much faster. The deer in headlights looks from the sidelines say it all. We need swagger, that can come from your QB, your defense, or a coach that is a well respected leader of men.
  8. They need to fix this fast. None of this from you guys sounds good at all. The huddle IS the fan base. The most loyal and there seems to be no hope among the longtime huddlers. We've all been through enough with the Panthers to see when things are about to go off the rails and it's apparent to us something is wrong with our organization. The flailing attempts at gaining relevancy isn't something we're used to. There needs to be very serious talks at BofA, losing a diehard fanbase to apathy should be fought off like the plague. Sometimes you need to go back to what works and form alliances with those who will work with you willingly instead of chasing skirts desperately.
  9. Yeah, sure but do they have any other answers? It's evident the clearly do not. The fan base is about to RAGE and that's one way to at least get half of them back and spark interest in the team. Like it or not.
  10. This is exactly why George Seifert got the boot... Apathy
  11. Worth the price of admission. Panthers value dropping like a rock though. I'm wouldn't be excited about dropping $300+ to see this crap the Panthers are serving up. Since Cam has gone things have gone horribly wrong. The entertainment factor is 0 and they don't know how to fix what they broke. Actually it would be a lot more fun and interesting if they brought him back to entertain us, whatever he's got left, I'd take it. He's the guy who wanted to be here. I'd pay for that ticket.
  12. They could have hired a veteran backup like say Josh McCown. Who is probably still better than any QB on the roster. The moves being made don't compute if you're trying to win a long season. Remember, Cam always had a legit veteran backup in Derrick Anderson. I don't see why they wouldn't have a veteran backup unless they are again, trying to lose.
  13. The Panthers are a community property. While there is an owner, EVERYTHING is based on the community also owning (fandom) and supporting the franchise financially. The city(you) is a partner in that franchise. If you weren't NFL owners wouldn't be asking for public financing come stadium building time. They ARE beholden to you. Act like it! Demand better!
  14. Preach! NFL has obvious bias and obvious favorites. They forced JR into selling his team while Kraft is doing far more embarrassing and disgusting things as a owner of NFL franchise.
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