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Everything posted by rippadonn

  1. My New Years resolution is to not make redemption and second chances and forgiveness thread about a certain free agent DE that, if he got the chance, could and would beast along with Kony for years to come. A guy who would plug right in and make the D line a force again.
  2. I'm blaming losing focus on them looking for calls they aren't getting. STFU and watch the games. Your breath is garbage
  3. This team tends to loose focus when the refs are stacked against them. We have to understand that we MUST beat the refs each game too. i saw some blatant no calls in Atlantas favor all game. Make plays and they can't do much about it. The slant was obvious. Then they call three quick penalties when the game is over to save face and cover up what they did. DONT LOOK TO OFFICIALS FOR ANYTHING! They've proven to be your enemy
  4. NO falcon penalties! They're a great great football team. Soooooooo technically sound
  5. They had the media, officials and the NFL on their side yet still couldn't get it done dispite all their "help". Now they're crying like babies. The whole market and team looks soft from over here. The coach and the team were scared of their ballerina. No surprise the NY media is coddling this guy
  6. The more that idea is popped up around here the more it starts to sink in that #13 & #89 on the field would have been nasty, dominant! If they could only pull that off this year would be instantly fixed at WR and next year SB
  7. Ok Panthers I see what you did there. I'll shut up now, but I'm watching... Happy as fug though
  8. I don't like how we John Fox it up and dial back the defense when they're sitting on a lead. It almost came back to bite em'. The pass rush IS NOT getting there and a good QB would have carved us up today. As DE's usually take three years to develop Ealy isn't a true #1 yet, and it shows at times. Lack of foresight bit them and continues to bite em'. You let the 3rd best player on your team walk and he is immediately employed by a playoff team. IF Bowers can play they should have called the guy already. Oh, I forgot...
  9. Wegher is a bruiser. The guy is strong. He is the only guy on the roster who can do what Stew does. I liked how he showed he can run between the tackles last night he attacks defenders. hope he stays
  10. if you could assemble an army of #89's you could conquer the universe. Why the military hasn't cloned this guy already is beyond me. I forgot that one though, thanks. His career highlights are gonna be amazing and him not getting in the HOF would be an injustice.
  11. Dukes is the best IMO. Hellmans will never see my fridge again EVER and so called miracle whip blahhhh!
  12. Nobody "gave up" on Vonleh. Vonleh was one of the only players they wanted off of our roster. Having to give them Vonleh says more about the "talent" on last years roster. They preferred a 1yr bench player over our veterans
  13. Allright JR, get in there and kiss some Gordell ass so we can cheat our way to Super Bowls too!
  14. We love the kinder gentler football player in this town when there is very little kindness or gentleness in banking. Interesting
  15. Happy Birthday! Some of our posters on their high horses continue to forget is football is a fierce competitive game and to survive in that league you need that attitude, you've got to be aggressive or else. I'd like a team of 53 Smitty's but the soft batch cookie fans would cry about our team of "bullies". You get what you deserve Charlotte. The numbers speak volumes and real Panther fans will never forget. Smitty is the GOAT in Panther land NOBODY played with more heart NOBODY and yes this is football we're talking about and not church
  16. The team got screwed. The NFL is shameless in their promotion of said player and circumstance. They so called wanted to punish Hardy with ten games instead of nine or eight or eleven just so they can shamelessly promote Hardy vs Panthers for Thanksgiving. It was never about DV it was all about the shield and this proves it. If we had a FO and owner with guts we could have come out with the future of our D line looking very bright. Now it's in question. Not enough at DE one of the three most important positions on the field. Cheers to mediocrity!
  17. Once again YAC and hands. If a guy can't run by coverage he needs to make a guy miss or break a tackle. Yards after contact
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