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Everything posted by rippadonn

  1. You shut me down and made me acknowledge wrong doing before being allowed to post again. If this is a state sponsored thread, state that. What about the guy talking all that junk attacking me above. Doing anything about name calling. I didn't do that but you penalize me.
  2. You guys can't take real debate. You'll make a point and if I respond in kind with civility and respect for people not necessarily a governors policy I'm labelled for banning. I have a beautiful Rottweiler and I've enjoyed debating things with you personally and respectfully. I haven't attacked anything but false beliefs here, scientifically false. I did nothing wrong but respond truthfully and respectfully to others. We need MORE viewpoints NOT less. Some people trust government/politicians 100%, some people don't trust them at all. That's what's GREAT about America, you can choose. I've been here for 15yrs. If you guys want to kick me out for having an opinion than the huddle is no longer the place to be or share, only people that agree to march in lockstep.
  3. This is political, most all of it down political lines. I'm a registered independent. Sorry if I don't see things your way. In other countries different viewpoints get banned and censored. Ban away.
  4. The problem is when YOUR FEAR requires our Frontline Heroes to wear masks 8-10hrs a day which has proven to not be good for a humans immune system. THEY know that. They are now suffering FOR YOU. Stop it.
  5. The CDC often has to "correct" #'s and previous statements. What do YOU got for me?
  6. We ARE wearing masks, been to the grocery store or Home Depot? We test more, have a bigger and better medical system. Of course we can find more. It's out there now courtesy of : The body count apposed to cases makes it a flu. Not what we are presently going crazy over 100 or so days out from election.
  7. It wasn't a failure. We're still alive close to the same in number. C'MON guys. Do better or admit this is all foolishness IF it's a virus, like swine flu.
  8. I'm sorry if this "new normal" doesn't look American to me.
  9. Obama didn't mandate masks for swine flu. Did that make him an irresponsible president. Real science =no Political science= yes
  10. Do you know ANYTHING about aerosol of which this virus belongs and is smaller among the vast aerosol particles out there. They don't go around these barriers they go through. Ok, put your "mask" on and have a friend or foe spray say fabreez in your direction. Do that and get back to me.
  11. This is America the greatest country on earth. All this "bannable offense" stuff sounds communist to my ears. Just sayin
  12. You guys are hilarious AND dangerous. Whomever is responsible for this is ROFL at you. Real science and understanding for just how tiny and light a virus is goes out the window come election time.
  13. Lol, Political Science is real All viruses matter You guys think viruses are a joke you can prevent with a handkerchief. Who is the real idiot?
  14. Don't forget the brain damage. You probably already get hazard pay built into your salary. I did when I worked 3rd shift because THAT causes health issues also.
  15. The studies have always said prolonged wearing would CAUSE sickness. Are you listening Ol' Roy or is someone else running the state for you? Just curious. It's harmful and putting our Frontline Heroes in harm's way KNOWINGLY. This is counter to all but one logic, politics.
  16. They don't wear them all day silly, or even 20% of the day. More than that is a OSHA violation for a reason. Big reasons. Don't be gullible
  17. So clinical trials included masks knitted by granny and 2week old surgical masks not even worn properly. To busy attacking and not comprehending. Who pays for a study says a lot.
  18. You guys are gullible. Whatever the TV says, amiright?
  19. I've talked to numerous professionals about this, ignore me though.
  20. Get you an N95 mask and some fluoride free toothpaste, that'll open your mind a bit.
  21. Surgical masks are for bacteria and spit NOT a virus. False sense of security. Also increasing peoples daily CO2 which will make their immune system weaker. Sick people should not be gassing themselves for ANY reason. People with high blood pressure should NOT be wearing masks for any extended period. If you've had the flu shot you are recirculating covid as well as other flu shot goodies in your mask daily, which could lead to SARS. Masks violate OSHA but nothing to see here. YOU are responsible for your own health, nobody else cares, they only profit from ignorance.
  22. Mandatory masks should be N95 or better. Roy Cooper is totally OK with knitted masks and surgical masks that give folks a false sense of security. Either mandate masks that REALLY work or stop the political foolishness. He may be embarrassed for running the president out of town, deservedly so, you look like a puppet, but we shouldn't all be covering our faces for his own shame.
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