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Everything posted by rhyslloyd

  1. You’re not wrong. Two limp dick owners (Richardson and MJ) who hire limp dick GMs and coaches and don’t prioritize winning.
  2. Is KK back on the field? If so, add him to the list.
  3. With last nights addition of Jeremy Lin, we now have: Walker, Batum, Lamb, Hairston, Daniels, Roberts and Lin in the backcourt. While I don't feel terrible about that rotation, I'm wondering if someone will be the odd man out. If not, then we really have no room for Harrison who has been the brightest star IMO during the summer league. Is Cho going to pull a Cho and drop the ball by not signing Harrison? Is someone getting cut in lieu of signing Harrison?
  4. Cho should realize that he's also a mistake and resign. He's an absolute disease and completely responsible for the mess that he's created with terrible draft after terrible draft and contracts that have hamstrung us. I wish he would take MJ with him when he goes.
  5. He shouldn't act like a pussy and say he didn't want to come here before the draft in that case. He didn't want to be here, and he shouldn't. Cho and MJ fuged up again. He just needs to shut his trap and play now. Put up or shut up.
  6. They fooled us all with the hype of becoming the Hornets again, but we are still an incompetent organization in most every facet. We have a below average team, a below average coach (average at very best), our GM's only talent is finding trade partners dumber than he is while still not translating his haul to more wins, and our owner likes to play basketball know it all while real franchises are making moves and drafting their way out of the basement or staying on top. We are in the basement and settling in for the long haul down there. This franchise is a joke.
  7. I still don't feel any better about it. Cho and MJ fuged us again. Those two illiterate nutsacks couldn't find titties in a strip club and certainly can't find talent in the draft. MJ thinks he knows how to run an organization based on his own playing abilities. He's shown time and time again that he doesn't knot dick, and the only reason cho still has a job is because he pumps MJ's nuts and won't stand up to him. We were all thinking that guys would sign here to play for MJ. It was a good thought, but it isn't true. No one wants to play for a losing franchise that is a laughing stock and a doormat. Those two fuging idiots can't leave fast enough and will probably burn in hell.
  8. I won't ever eat the slice of bread at the front of the loaf.
  9. 300 East is my favorite restaurant in Charlotte.
  10. I graduated college. Twice. So what's up?
  11. Better have sprung for that damn artichoke dip.
  12. I understand, but I think he was in the small minority who believed Thompson was BPA. I know I'm not sold, but I only pay high prices to sit in the seats and enjoy our first round playoff games.
  13. It was a reach. Gettleman got away from his BPA that he's been screaming to draft a guy he fell in love with for some reason.
  14. No. We've had enough safeties that can't cover.
  15. A 34 year old whose missed 22 of the last 32 games? No thanks. I'm good.
  16. Detest the move, but hopefully he or Harper gets their ass cut before the season starts.
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