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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. Wonder how many of these Third Ward residents watch the Panthers play every week, yet they don't consider them an eye sore. Because, that's plenty painful to see.
  2. I'm guessing you didn't see the Ranger fans who bought their way into PNC during the playoffs? Thanks to that Raleigh faithful who listed their tickets Stub Hub or elsewhere.
  3. Why would you care? Charlotte doesn't support the Panthers any more than Atlanta supported a hockey team.
  4. As a former charter PSL owner (we sold our PSLs about 10 years ago), we went back and attended the Green Bay game last Christmas Eve. We were traveling for the holiday and decided we'd stay in Charlotte and catch the game. Having not set foot in the stadium for 10 years, it took 30 seconds to realize nothing has changed. The fan experience is no different than it was when we left. Even the same, tired music between plays, the same "let's get fired up, rah, rah" crap. Even Sir Purr's routine is the same. The best thing about the entire game experience was the fact the Panthers almost won the game against Green Bay- I think it was a bad officiating call that lost the game. Other than that, it was disappointing, to say the least, that nothing has really changed in 10 years. It only reinforced our decision to give up the PSLs was a good one. Don't miss it at all.
  5. Here's the solution. Then move the team to St. Louis, since their fan base has more people showing up to UFL games than the Panthers have showing up in Charlotte.
  6. Lucas Raymond RFA out of Detroit. 22 year old RW/LW put up 72 points this season.
  7. You said the team goes limp-dick in the playoffs because RBA won't change. (Note that you did not suggest what changes you think he needs to make). You then stated "Rod will never change anything." I can only infer that the team continues to fall out of the playoffs because RBA doesn't/won't change. Therefore, if RBA will never change anything, the team will fall out of the playoffs. I mean, that is literally the line of logic you posted. So, I'm not sure what you're suggesting, since I don't have a crystal ball.
  8. Just messin' with ya. Anyway, here's hoping next season is better and you don't take the game too seriously.
  9. Here's a thought.... can we pick out some of your more memorable forum melt-down posts and have you paint them on the ice? We could start here, from the "Let Rod Walk" thread: "It will save me money on my season tix. fuging you and fug this team.:
  10. What does RBA do to change his "philosophy?" You want him to play man during the regular season, dominate just as they have for the last 6 years and then change to zone during the playoffs? If the Canes tried that, they'd get swept in the first round. Can't take a team built to play man and change it to zone with the wave of a hand. Goal-tending? Yes, Freddie was bad this year. Contrary to popular belief, his playoff numbers are very good: career 2.48 GA with a .916 save %. Last year he was 1.83/.927 and the prior year 1.84/.936. What more could you ask? Lack of scoring? Yes, it was what hurt the Canes last season. It was addressed this season and appeared not to be the issue. So, what exactly do want RBA to change? Freddie was bad when he's normally been very good. Scoring was there this year, but not last. How does RBA fix that? How does RBA figure out which issue is going to rear its head and cost the Canes a Cup? Injuries, players performance, poor goal-tending.
  11. Well, you have the option to change and start pulling for another team. But, I guess it's okay for you not to change, but somebody else must?
  12. Necas is not a center. Nor is he staying. Canes will get what they can for him. Stop assuming Guentzel wants to stay. Slavin, Skjei, Chatty, Orlov, Morrow and (insert acquired LD here). If Burns comes back he drops off the first pair. Jarvis and Noesen are priorities, even though they both got handcuffed when RBA started changing lines. I believe Kuznetsov is a fit on this team and would be a good asset if RBA built the right lines.
  13. 1. Yes, Rod is the guy. No, you can't find anyone a better fit for this organization. You let Rod walk, you'll see a lot of free agents walk as well. 2. Guentzel and Jarvis are both priorities. If Guentzel doesn't want to stay, Necas becomes a priority. 3. Freddie is under contract thru next season. Pyotr is still a season or 2 away and Martin was a stop-gap. Won't surprise me if Freddie and Pyotr alternate next season unless an exceptional goalie becomes available in free agency. 4. I have a feeling both Staal and Burns retire. Martinook was a bargain at $1.8M AAV and he'll get another 2-3 years at $2.5M AAV, I think. 5. Necas wants around $7.5M AAV and his production was down significantly this season. From 71 points in 22-23 to 53 this season. Canes will try to get as much as they can for him because they cannot keep him and Guentzel without serious cuts elsewhere. 6. Pesce is all but gone, making Skjei the top defender to keep. 7. Morrow will be up this coming season. Nikishin isn't available until 25-26, is he? 8. The top lines didn't perform as well as they should have. Look at the goal scorers against NY: Staal, Martinook, Kuznetsov, Noesen, Skjei, Burns, Orlov. The top lines scored in 2 games, but the bottom lines are who prevented the sweep.
  14. Fug the East. I don't like any of them and have been pulling for the Stars, who finally ended the Avs season last night. This, despite the fact Dallas had the first OT game winner taken by the refs with a horrible call and review.
  15. Trust me, the ticket investment in the Canes has already paid for itself with the amount of fun we have and the experiences we've enjoyed with the organization. From my recognition as a BCBS Hero of the Game during the 2019 playoffs, riding the zambonis, taking our dogs on the ice during the Christmas holiday photo op in 2022, and the fact the team wins. Compare that to having Panther PSLs for 17 years, which cost a helluva lot more than Canes tickets and there's little doubt as to which is the better bang for your buck.
  16. That's the short-sighted part of this thread- you want RBA gone? Who you bringing in that will come close to accomplishing what he has? Winning the Cup may be the most difficult professional sports championship to achieve. Go back thru history and, in the modern era, there have been very few what you could call "dynasties" in the NHL. One needs to find the balance that gets the team in a position to win consistently thru pipeline, depth, draft and shrewd FA moves like the Canes have now. Or, you sell the soul of your team to win a Cup and when it comes time to repay that debt- look out. You want a Chicago Blackhawks 2013-2015? Yes, you can have that. Then you get to follow that up with the 2016-present Blackhawks, who are quite possibly one of the worst franchises in the league over the past 8 seasons. Instead of the "fire everyone" attitude, why not embrace the fact that you get to watch a team win consistently year in and year out with a crop of young talent waiting in the wings and a roster full of players who want to be here and want to play for RBA. A shot at the Cup every year... what more can you ask? A chance to complete for the Cup every year since he's been the coach. You guys do realize that's not happened in this league, like ever, until now. Let RBA walk and this team becomes the Blackhawks in a couple years, with a couple older, excellent players (Kane-Aho, Duncan Keith- Jacob Slavin), and nothing in the pipeline and not a lot of players wanting to be here. I've already re-upped my tickets for next year and I can't wait for next season in October.
  17. Don't know the last time I was this into a game.
  18. Toronto will blow the horn if it was a good goal. I fugging thought it was in.
  19. Freddie losing his feet again. Like every goal the Rags have scored.
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