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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. Can't decide who I dislike more- Saints or Patriots...

  2. Sounds vaguely familiar... like the centerfold questionnaires... Turn-on's? Turn-off's? ...ew............
  3. They just didn't make school teachers like that when I was a kid....
  4. Rivera is Rivera. What you've seen is what you're going to get. You think he can flip a switch and turn on an entirely new method of coaching this team in order to save his job? Sorry, I don't see it nor do I see this as a corporate method of motivating someone in a management position.
  5. I don't know about you guys, but in the real adult world of employment- regardless of profession- one does not hold anothers job over their head as motivation. Nor does the notion of the carrot on a stick (playoffs=job retention). If I worked for a boss who thought that was an effective form of motivation and basically told me they were beginning to look for my replacement, I'd assume my tenure was coming to an end. And even if I achieved whatever measure of success he hinted at to ensure my future, I'm not sure I'd want to continue working under those conditions. I, for one, do not believe reaching the playoffs are necessarily a component of coaching. I think Rivera should be gone regardless, and had it not been for the time it took to bring in Gettelman, Rivera might have been replaced before this season. The GM knows who he wants to coach this team, and Gettelman is no different, except he wasn't given that opportunity this season because the FO took their time in hiring him.
  6. Well, Sam Mills' #51 is the only number officially retired by the Panthers, that's why Miles doesn't issue it.
  7. Most teams retire numbers as fan favorites and as a way for the organization to show their appreciation for the players and his relationship with the fans. Does anyone here even know if the Panther organization has an established criteria for retiring numbers? Right now? John Kasay and Steve Smith are likely the only two players, past or current, who are likely to receive this honor.
  8. Jon Beason was drafted the same year as Patrick Willis in San Francisco and Willis usually garnered all the praises of the talking heads while Beason consistently racked up comparable, if not better, numbers along the way. Beason was the latest in what is becoming a Carolina Panther tradition- a middle linebacker who put it all on the field. The indomintable spirit of Sam Mills, the always full speed ahead Dan Morgan, the quick football mind of Jon Beason and now, Luke. Sure there were the odd years when a Michael Barrow or Lester Towns played the middle, Mark Fields even stepped into the middle on occasion. And who can forget Vinny Circiu and Chris Draft and Will Witherspoon... all of whom were called upon the fill the slot when Morgan was recuperating from yet another injury. The fact is, the position has long been one of pride and excellence for the Panthers, and anyone who steps into the position should know who they have followed.
  9. Best cell phone commercial on TV today....
  10. Hopefully the wrecking ball signifies the beginning of the end of her pathetic, ugly and very questionable career.
  11. "I knew I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue."
  12. I guess they don't have military facilities in Russia to do air-cushioned landing craft beach approaches? Seriously?
  13. Armanti Edwards on this list could be the best woody I've had in years... and at my age, that's saying something.
  14. Pie is the slice of life

  15. According to Julie Andrews, "Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down..." ...wonder how many people can pick up on the obscure reference....
  16. Absolutely! When I moved from civilization to the South in 1992, my second mistake was to order tea without specifying "unsweet," which brings up another point. Why, when you order unsweet tea, are you then asked, "Would you like sugar, Splenda or (insert whatever else is out there) with that?" Oh, my first mistake was moving away from beautiful Southern California.....
  17. No- iced tea is iced tea. Where does it say "you must add a ton of sugar to this before it's tea?" "If I order they don't ask "Regular or No, they give you a cup and you go fill it yourself with whichever you prefer. I don't even think I have any sugar in my house.
  18. Know who played in Bowie's band on the "Let's Dance" album? None other than the great Stevie Ray Vaughan... listen and you can hear his riffs.... released his first album "Texas Flood" same year "Let's Dance" was released...
  19. I'd be more than happy to get you the names of any rescues or other organizations you can contact if you like. Simply let me know where you're located and I'll get you some info within a reasonable distance from your home.

  20. Thanks for the rep. Hey, I've rooted my ass off for this team over the years. We were at the stadium at 3AM in 2003 when they beat the Eagles and rolled in from the airport. We've been on road trips to see these guys. It's just been a very frustrating couple years...

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