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Everything posted by Anybodyhome

  1. Hardy not being a Panther has nothing to do with his contract and everything to do with being charged with DV. Not found guilty of DV, charged with and later dismissed mind you. Frank Alexander has been popped twice for using banned substances and has served a 4-game and 10-game suspension and you're telling me Hardy has more baggage? Maybe in your mind, but not for most with any common sense.
  2. Regardless of what it appears to be, unless you were there and witnessed money changing hands, how do you claim so definitively she was paid off? Sure, we all know that's probably what happened, but making such definitive statements are legally considered to be slanderous and amount to false accusations. If the DA or other officials involved with the case made the same statement as you, Hardy would be more than justified in filing a lawsuit for slander or defamation in making such false claims. And as long as no one can confirm anything, everything is pure speculation.
  3. Actually, if you have any proof Hardy paid her off, the DA would love to have it because he's been looking and cannot find enough to charge him with witness tampering, either. This comes after not having enough to continue the case. So while all the Hardy-hating keyboard lawyers out there are convinced of his guilt, please try to remember the judicial system in Charlotte has nothing. It may not mean he's innocent, but it does mean he hasn't been found guilty, and the end result is the same- he's a free man.
  4. And the fact he's been suspended twice under that policy?
  5. You mean, "Too bad the Panthers don't have the balls."
  6. "Baggage?" Frank Alexander has more dangerous baggage than Hardy and he's still on the roster.
  7. Nice to see the posts of so many "football fans" who obviously have paid no attention to the change in the Raiders organization since Al Davis passed. You guys are still stuck in the what the Raiders were years ago.
  8. Not saying Tarheel is right, nor am I agreeing with him, but... If you're a team that cannot reach an agreement with your "franchise" QB and you have to slap the tag on him, odds are there are more issues than you want to admit.
  9. I don't have kids. Mostly because I couldn't handle raising a kid who couldn't experience the same freedom of movement I had as a kid. I rode my bike everywhere. I could grab my fishing stuff and ride to a reservoir 7 miles away. My school bus stop, for the couple years of junior high I had to ride one, was about a half-mile from the house and we walked there. When we got home from school, the rule was to be home when the street lights turn on. I now live in a county neighborhood with 2 streets, both cul-de-sacs, and 18 houses. The neighborhood kids ride their bikes in the street, the adults talk together on the street almost daily during the spring, summer and fall. One of the reasons we bought our house here is because we saw the kids outside, we saw the adults congregating and there is only one way in and out of the 'hood. I feel bad for parents who can't even so much as let their kids walk to the bus stop.
  10. Sort of. Putting it into the correct context, Frank Alexander has twice been busted for using banned substances, served a 4-game followed by a 10-game suspension and he's still on the roster. Meanwhile, Greg Hardy..... ....you get my point.
  11. The Oakland "bad boy" thing is in the past, at least on the player roster. Now, their fan base is another story... Coming from a life-long Raider fan and former season ticket owner.
  12. While it's nice some quality receivers are hitting the market, Getts is only shopping at Big Lots and won't pay market price.
  13. Not the original question... Strike three, you're done. And, for the record, who is Greg Hardy's employer since you want to get into literal semantics? The NFL or the Carolina Panthers? Seems to me his contract is with the Panthers and the Panthers are paying him, here or not, as long as you want to play your silly little game. We all get you think Hardy should be shot at dawn, but I was mistakenly hoping you have at least 2-3 rational cells in your otherwise useless an feeble mind, but alas, I assumed again.
  14. Essentially, you missed the point and please don't attempt to interpret my posts anymore. Fail. And yes, if I'm charged with a misdemeanor and those charges are later dropped, my employer (which is a municipality), cannot take any action against me. I have the benefit of HR policies which protect me.
  15. In the forever judgmental eyes of Panther fans, just what was he supposed to do for those 6 months or so, while getting paid and while listening to team basically tell him he's persona non grata? He's a 25 year old kid with $13M in his bank. It wouldn't matter what he did; somewhere, someone is going to be critical.
  16. Oh good, that's the kind of place I want to live and work. Where being guilty "under the law" really doesn't matter nearly as much as someone's arbitrary definition. Sorry if I find it just a little arrogant and self-important when a guilty, not guilty or other final disposition in a court of law has little to no impact on your future but some pompous ass in his ivory tower can dole out more punishment than a judge.
  17. Greg Hardy won't be reinstated simply because the NFL has been embarrassed in court twice now since the Rice and Peterson rulings and they will keep Hardy on the Exempt List for 3 more years of they have to just to prove a point. Legalities, due process, fair play all went out the window the minute the owners gave the commissioner the power to be judge, jury and executioner.
  18. So, wait, it's not about the money now? I thought you said it was about the money. You just got done trying to lecture on how rich the guy is and he has no right to complain. Now it's about his deceased mother? Which is it? Pick one or the other that will best fit your wadded little panties.
  19. Still missing the point. But let's assume for a single fraction of a second your point. Here's the question then: What amount of money does one have to be paid before they can no longer be unhappy with the manner in which their employer treated them? What's the cutoff? Does Cam get to bitch and complain since he's only getting paid a fraction of what Williams got paid as well? How about Bersin or one of the other guys on the roster who is making league minimum?
  20. You missed the point. It's not about the money. If it was, DeAngelo could simply laugh his way to the bank. But, just like any other employee who believes they weren't treated fairly or given their release after 10 years in a manner that failed to recognize their contributions, regardless how much they got paid, they can still be unhappy with the employer.
  21. The money is relative and has no bearing. If you were making $9 an hour in a fast food joint for almost 10 years and you were summarily dismissed from your job and you felt the reason the company gave you wasn't acceptable or wasn't done in a professional manner, you'd likely be bitter as well.
  22. It's ironic that we, as fans, will listen to DeAngelo's interview, simply not accept it at face value and assume that he has an axe to grind. He was fired from an organization that he has worked for since 2006... 9 seasons; yet fans cannot accept that he may be bitter? Really? DeAngelo Williams is not the first player to leave this team under terms other than his own and express some bitterness. As a matter of fact, several players have expressed how unhappy they were with the manner in which the team handled their release. But, each and every time, the fan base calls it "sour grapes" while never even considering the notion perhaps this front office and personnel staff may have some faults. But no one from the Panther organization ever goes on the record, never does the interviews unless it's Gettelman or Rivera, and they certainly aren't going to say anything. Panther fans are so fugging quick to absolve the organization for any responsibility or any faults, but the very players those fans go to the stadium to see are the first people they'll discount and dismiss the minute they paint a picture that's different than the rosy little flower garden fans believe the Carolina Panthers organization and Jerry Richardson to be.
  23. Did I miss something over the last couple days? While I've heard a lot of conjecture and a lot of, "... it appears as though...", but where is there any proof Hardy paid her off to go away? Perhaps a bit of circumstantial indication he paid her off, but has anyone come forward with proof of an actual settlement? It's not like she completely disappeared, she simply traveled, posted to her FB account and it sure doesn't appear she was trying to become anonymous. The DA simply didn't feel the case was worth the money to have people going all over the country to serve her with a subpoena.
  24. Your second challenge: Spell the word "moderator."
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