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  1. My daughter is a student at App State. The town of Boone is flooded. Luckily she’s safe and has power. Meanwhile, I’ve had no power since early this morning.
  2. Why do I feel like Cam won the ground award before.
  3. Got interfered with and still made that catch, wow
  4. Washington with Daniels is gonna be a problem for the league
  5. Thanks, that’s what it kicked like to me as well. Meant Sanders, not Thomas
  6. Might be more concerning in my old age than wrestling with the Cotchery SB catch
  7. On that one sack where I think it was their LB who got a free hit on Dalton, was that a Thomas mistake or the right side of the line?
  8. That was TD giving meaningless platitudes as a “company” man.
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