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Everything posted by Fox007

  1. I'll have to double check but I am pretty sure coach was at the game. This is from him.
  2. Seems like this team likes 'saving' players until we are right on out of contention and I know that we aren't just yet but losing to literally any and every team that is also fighting for the wildcard spot isn't helping. We went from being in the playoffs at the start of the day to right on down below all those teams we lost to earlier in Philly/Minny and now 49ers are coming back up.
  3. Yea fug it the Steelers managed to tie the Lions I bet for got damn sure the Panthers can figure it out.
  4. This probably makes it even worse quite frankly because it was only sometimes and not everytime.
  5. By definition it'd be an unrealistic goal being that there are 17 games now. You was suspecting a tie somewhere?
  6. Yea you can't have Reddick and Burns both on the field at the same time as your base package. Burns especially gets ate up in the run and thats exactly where they attack in the power run game. They don't even bother testing the middle when they just know for a fact they can move Burns up and off the ball. Have to have that as your pass rush but we need a DE on that side who can stop the run first but be a threat as a pass rusher.
  7. And how would you ever find out
  8. Can't really have both Burns and Reddick out there at the same time in base packages. In passing situations sure but they are both too small and get ransacked in the run game. Especially Burns as Reddick can sometimes get stout but Burns is not a 3 down DE at this point.
  9. He didn't even actually make contact on that one
  10. I didn't call you a hater. I was wanting to see his health and specifically his shoulder. Everything checks out and his speed is actually looking better than I thought. At only 32 years old and being healthy as he's been in years we can have him for a rookie contract length at least.
  11. If you watched the post game presser they went over how the Panthers lead the NFL with the most penalties.
  12. Yea wtf are these people talking about. If you had heard Gilmore it would have been b/c he was getting caught on....I mean i'd ask if these people even football but I know the answer already.
  13. Pretty funny...they been running the defense over all game and yet they want to punt to have them just run all the clock out. The only reason they didn't go for it on 4th down again was b/c they were already in FG range other wise they just target Djax and get the first down and run the clock out.
  14. 5TDs 0 turnovers last two games.
  15. And down 2 DEs one being elite And down 2 OL that got hurt one being a C
  16. He's not a stop gap. At 32 and looks to be a clean bill of health and still has speed and the arm...can have that for 5 years perhaps and still draft a guy for him to mentor that we have a replacement ready and not be caught like this again.
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