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Everything posted by Fox007

  1. Our offense needs to threaten deep...we have barely ran any plays for big gains.
  2. We've only put up 7 points vs a backup Seattle defense....not sure how ppl can really be too excited except for the Defense that we are trying to tire out.
  3. WOW...we can't just keep trotting our defense out there man..... fugin 7 points...
  4. its so funny/sad at the same time. YOU NEVER SEE poo LIKE THIS HAPPEN TO ANY OTHER NFL TEAM.. The Raiders don't even do stupid ass poo like this...complete tool bags on our team save for a few
  5. This is why this team can never take a step forward. First Alexander doing bull poo.. now we get this that NEVER happens to NFL teams... That bullshit CANNOT happen...just fuging retarded our team
  6. Stupid poo like that can cost you games....now instead of 7-3 at halftime it could be much more AND they get the ball back
  7. This team is NOT good enough to go through idiots like that
  8. SHould be 10-0 if olsen doesn't have butter fingers today
  9. Cam looking pretty good so far. We are just getting owned by those few drops
  10. Just cut munnerlyn now don't even put him in the game 5'3 CBs don't work
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