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Everything posted by Fox007

  1. nothing but you guys keep responding to the nothing giving it credence.
  2. What does it pertain to? How bout the whole both QBs can do the same thing thing....and not putting Cam in short yardage: For some reason the person who tweeted this said Jamaal Charles is out of this world when Cam is over there in a different universe than everyone else.
  3. Thus far I'd say you are up to at least a Silver star working on that medal of honor
  4. fax Brilliant huh...give a derpass full control then be like btw you're about to be fired....then also expect nothing unusual to happen. Tepper is are a gene eye us
  5. HIs hiding has been noticed though, prolly get worse the longer it is. Tepper prolly get booed while out or while shown in a jumbotron
  6. On twitter he was reaching for sympathy by making poo up about people booing his family when no one did any such thing
  7. Yet they come right back here doing anything but move on Fools are seriously not paying attention if they think this is the same as 'muh next monday' vent session over. Its even worse on twitter actually where the super Cam fans have been ham af
  8. Is that the only measurable improvement on the entire roster? Fitting that coach got fired
  9. Honestly wonder how many people will keep us on the reserve list to see if they get better offers. You know everyone sees whats happening now.
  10. Maybe we should have it be the Butler in the formal...I mean wait what...
  11. I legit get a crack out of the people thinking there is anything else to talk about then they proceed to not talk about the nothing else there isn't to talk about.
  12. Doesn't even look like we can get second rate OC prospects at this point
  13. Mother Tell your children not to walk my way Tell your children not to hear my words What they mean What they say Mother Mother Can you keep them in the dark for life? Can you hide them from the waiting world? Oh mother
  14. the poo he posts never makes any sense "IF the bad thing didn't happen, then a good thing woudla happened!" Well since the bad thing did happen we gone go ahead and live here in reality.
  15. bro I was laughing my ass off the entire 42 seconds and didn't even know what was coming unti li saw the face of the train then olp.... love how they all so slow to react too and yes I know it was in slow motion
  16. lol I mean yea mage made about the only fugin remotely valid thing you could spin it and that's the competition now for HC jobs...maybe now we'll be one of only like 2 HC firings next year and we get the pick of the litter. OFC thats lucking into it as Tepper had no way of knowing any of this and his derpy silence just reeks of inaction, ineptitude, and
  17. yo I just saw that one hahaha When literally EVERYONE is on the same page in the Fanbase/those connected or formerly connected to it....then Tepper still be like
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