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Everything posted by Fox007

  1. Christenson is another one who is active
  2. Well if we can't beat them in this state we already have no business even talking about a winning season. These are the games you are supposed to win
  3. Look at the WRs we had that year lol...Imagine that team with DJ Moore/Anderson and Moton instead of Kalil at LT.
  4. LOL DA sharting on Hurney and them....maybe DA should be a scout/assistant GM hahaha I wonder if our FA thinks that going through the upright is the bad thing
  5. Wait wait wait...is that Saints fans resembling intelligence...wtf see all you evangelists evolution is real.
  6. You mean the same people who have Training camp WRs in the HoF aren't up on someone who has actually done something! hold the got damn phone
  7. Man its been quite awhile now that our good players go to other teams and "all the sudden" play well or are great backups...Hurney is literally the worst anything that ever anythinged in the NFL but our HCs keep starting or otherwise keeping worse players and it doesn't seem to matter who the HC is
  8. Salt meet wound, Heine and GohYes looking good lol...we have some PJ Walker and whoever driver through operator at kicker.
  9. Maybe we do pull a Kansas City and draft literally all OL next year
  10. What Reno said. Its about coordination. Just go into any stadium and just start saying something and see who else just randomly starts saying the same thing you say...
  11. I didn't even know this was a thing that got removed...lol wat. Yea lets take away the one unique thing we got like the keep pounding drum/saying...what a looney toon
  12. But Tepper isn't hiring someone that old to run a rebuild
  13. If something like that happened which it won't I wonder if we'd just hire Brady
  14. I just want to see the ball spread around a little more but nothing to dramatically take away from CMC or anything. The main reason is to keep the defense on their toes but a RB used to get 30ish carries so 21 carries with the 9 catches or w/e isn't quite as bad as it looks.
  15. Wow that is a revelation...how the hell does nipppleshorts bench a player lol. Welp DG gonna do DG things
  16. Damn I didn't realize how old Snow was either at 65 damn....papa ballin
  17. lol Never even thought about that, always figured it was under special teams.
  18. Right I know they count against your actual FG % what I mean was in terms of the coaching staff holding it against him.
  19. lol for real You are one of the ones I like on here and I don't listen to you either!
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