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Everything posted by Fox007

  1. omfg Hubbard tackled himself lol one fugin player goes out and the entire offense dies man just so fugin lame to watch this hapless OL
  2. I guess only the Panthers can make the Texans defense look like world beaters
  3. Just pathetic that this OL will keep teams in games...Hubbard is doo doo so Darnold may have to pass 40 times this game.
  4. This franchise may be the posterchild for fugin morons who like to run their franchise players into the ground in short order
  5. Oh well nothing to watch anymore for this team lol. CMC out = even the Texans can beat us
  6. The strength of this team isn't the OL though so its on the coaches to stop being fugin morons.
  7. either way though what a trash end to the series hubbard sucks man....just run Darnold in that spot....Hubbard looking real real trash man. Darnold also probably would have walked in for another score if he kept it too just don't know why they keep running that trash up the gut
  8. Wtf kind of spot is that poo...these refs are garbage
  9. Arnold is so weak lol....gotta get that bro he just fugin ducked and fell in place
  10. Hubbard isn't CMC get his ass outta there that's why he get no play time lol...not a perfect throw but wtf dood
  11. The playcalling is good this game thus far...
  12. Gotta do something about this trash ass OL man...this team could be a real contender with a stout OL....swear just draft OL man.
  13. Exactly what I was saying in other threads....Darnold can run and should run more
  14. No need to trade Jackson nor would they lol. How often do team captains get traded. THis would clearly be a trade based on picks and only picks.
  15. Right down to a subpar OL but no Shula and the ball is clearly coming out faster by design. Imagine Brady on that team instead of Shula...maybe that change alone would have done it.
  16. Could not give less of a fug. After all the years of our injuries and bullshit ref calls etc. I wouldn't care if the starters in all our games were out for the other team. We had Dan Morgan who had HoF potential end his career early due to injury. We had great seasons taken away from Thomas Davis. Luke just retired based on head injuries or we have a 1st Ballot HoFer still at MLB for at least 4 more years. Cam got hurt on some bullshit so everyone misses me with all that. I say good. But honestly it ain't even that chill I say you god damn right.
  17. Oh yea people were thinking of a nick name for the defense and althought not a nick name "Snowed In" is indeed what he been doing to offenses.
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