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    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Put a worthwhile product on the field. Yo if only you'd actually buy this poo beer it would be good guys. You see the thing is you have to BUY it a bunch first before they fix it and make it any good. GTFOH people on here are still this laughably unintelligent. Always worthwhile to poke back in poke fun then leave.
  2. If I'm me being Tepper I sell the team because I suck ass and am stupid unless I'm ripping people off on Wall Street. I only made my money off the backs of others so I have no idea why I thought I was smart in the first place. I certainly know nothing about Football either Football. That being Soccer or American Football.
  3. Panthers are the only team that literally look the same in the same situations no matter who the coach is lol. We must be destined play play low IQ football and bitchmade in totality
  4. There is nothing i hate worse than prevent defense man its so unintelligent. You're dominating a game so you change up what you're doing its just so garbage. OFC nothing would be more panther like than to lose a game you dominated
  5. So it was Young all along. Only literally everyone but Tepper knew this
  6. I mean we have to actually see what we have. Andy Dalton looked like an actual QB(go figure) in the snaps he's played here. With a literal nothing at QB the entire team can't be properly evaluated.
  7. OK lets see what kind of team we have. Dalton outplayed him in the preseason so lets see if we can actually toss the rock to a WR
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