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About fjblair

  • Birthday 01/24/1962

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  1. Stick a fork in him, he's done as an NFL QB.
  2. So much for the "between the ears" nonsense. It was pretty obvious if you saw this guy play in college you could tell he was not NFL material.
  3. How many more times are you going to jack every thread with this same comment?
  4. I don't care about his "grade", I'm taking about what we saw with our eyes.
  5. Yes he is, and it was obvious to everyone except the Panthers that he was not 1st round nfl material.
  6. Tepper is an idiot and Young is an abysmal failure that you could see coming a mile away. I miss Jerry Richardson and the glove.
  7. Nobody wants the job except coaches that no other team desires. It's a desperate hire by a desperate owner, and we already know how this will end. The story writes itself with this moribund franchise.
  8. Round and round and round it goes, where it stops everybody knows. Tepper is breathtakingly incompetent, this changes absolutely nothing.
  9. Young and the trade costs associated with him is one of the biggest busts in NFL history.
  10. It is the other way around. None of the top tier will interview because they do not want to work for Tepper and this putrid organization. They want to go where they can win. Carolina is where coaches and quarterbacks go to die.
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