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Everything posted by ProcessBlue2

  1. When is the press conference today? I thought we used to have them at noon on Mondays. I want to see if it's all still sunshine and good vibes with Mr. Canales.
  2. I expected bad. But I also expected the Saints to be bad. I thought it was going to be some 16-12 or 19-14 type struggle. However, in the words of Rivera " We picked a bad day to have a bad day."
  3. They get paid the same either way, so why should they care? You only get "care" when you motivate a group of people to work towards a common goal. Contracts are moving more towards gtd money up front, less impact if you get cut. I think Bryce's contract was almost fully gtd and he got a huge chunk of it upfront in a bonus.
  4. We never really committed to the run though either. Didn't have time, turned around and down 20pts.
  5. Which gives me a conspiracy theory that there was a 5% it was by design. ...The offense anyway.
  6. I'm just saying, I've never seen an athletic Bryce Young scramble in the NFL. He dodges, gets past the LOS and falls down, he couldn't even slide properly last year. Many moons ago, Dalton could move around a decent bit. He wasn't a scrambler but he could get where he needed to. Old fella should start his calf and hammy stretches this week.
  7. I would argue that Dalton (even at 36) is equally mobile as Bryce.
  8. I think the blowing the Tampa and Pittsburgh games did Wilks in. He also went super conservative and made some head scratching calls. He was better than anything we have had in a while but I think the FO thought "well if the roster is this good, let's go get an offensive guy to take the next step." What they didn't realize is Wilks and co. was game planning the hell out of everything.
  9. I don't think he's forced to keep Bryce out there. I don't think Tepper would give a poo as long as he could back it up. He's just got to make sure he can do that part. I mentioned earlier, I think Tepper has taken a step back. We really just can't see it yet because a lot of the decisions he made before he "stepped back" are still in their roles. My fear is that this keeps happening and he wants to be hands on again. I don't know if the meetings still happen though- good question. I know I wouldn't want to be Canales in there tomorrow. If Tepper lost his temper about a close Chicago loss, Tennessee loss, and Jacksonville loss, he probably won't be very pleasant. Mr. Sunshine might get some reality checking criticism.
  10. Yeah you tend to see overlaps. Like Rhule stayed and Hurney was kicked out, then Rhule got the hot seat, then back to Fitterer who got canned, now Canales/Morgan are in their new roles together and I think the hot seat shifts to Bryce. I don't think Canales gets the boot until it shows his system doesn't work with an additional QB. Bryce is the one in the hot seat now. EDIT: HOWEVER!- Canales has to be willing to pull Bryce and show that with Dalton. He can't just ride the tide with this every week or Tepper will fire everybody including the janitors.
  11. My guess is Cincinnati. Dalton starts against his "old team" and that's the local hype narrative that week.
  12. I mean there is the microscopic chance that Canales knew this is how he would perform in his offense and chose not to showcase it until the preseason chaos period was over. Like another poster said above, it looks like this experiment is nearing it's end. Probably not by design, but it there is a small chance it was meant to happen this way.
  13. Yeah I don't listen to them anymore. I do listen to Donnelly, Dennis Cox, and those guys on 99.9.
  14. Yeah said in the other thread- I think the media isn't buying into it anymore. Fowler, Sheena, Person, Newton all had different tones and remarks that were much different from last year. I hope they bring the hard questions tomorrow.
  15. I guess we will find out if he is still Mr. Sunshine at the press conference. He probably hasn't had a tough conversation with him yet. Tepper was slinging drinks in Jacksonville, Screaming "fug" in Tennessee, and shaking his head in Chicago. I can't imagine what he was doing in a loss like this.
  16. I think most of the media has had enough of it. Sheena, Person, and Newton all had an "off" tone during their tweets today.
  17. When Miles Sanders is trying to encourage you to cheer up, you should really re-think your profession.
  18. Hard to say, because we haven't had anyone that can get the ball to any of them the last year. We would find out though.
  19. Idk, it wasn't what he said for me, it was how he said it. Really just reminded me of Rhule tapping he podium "ya know it took 7 years for Jay-Z..."
  20. I said this in the other thread but it fits more appropriately here. He can't see over his line (FYI one of his guards is 6'6"). So waits until he can see and gets sacked.. OR runs out of the pocket When he runs out of the pocket, he gets sacked because he only has half the field available Or he throws a duck because he's running and can't set his feet properly.
  21. Yeah and he did that in Reich's boring, stale, oatmeal-like offense.
  22. He did well. He was giving me Dwayne Jarrett vibes, but perhaps that's Mingo.
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