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  1. DJ Moore had the same problem his rookie year, except he also had a fumbling problem. He will grow out of it.
  2. If we restructure Hunt, Lewis, and Brown we have like 80 million or something.
  3. All for Mason Graham. Wouldn't be mad about Will Johnson or Abdul Carter either.
  4. We're probably going to get kicked in the groin this week. Maybe we can take our anger out on Dallas after that.
  5. First to Eddy P. Who thankfully showed his true colors before we extended him this offseason. Appreciate you coming to workouts, dipshit. Second, to the refs who gave Tampa the Chiefs treatment. I guess to keep the division interesting with Atlanta. Same bum ass ref called: -PI on Jackson in the end zone on 3rd down -Thielen’s catch incomplete -A fair catch interference that got picked up. Must be nice to never be held accountable. Third, to Chuba. For completely shitting on one of the most competitive games I can remember, and making Thielen’s sideline catch forgettable. This is why you don’t give mediocre RBs money. Everyone sure loves him though and don't care because “he’s a nice guy and deserves the payday”. Way to Panther.
  6. Keep giving fan favorites contracts because “they deserve it” works out great
  7. I had to rewind to go look, but it has been the same ref that has called: -Pass interference on 3rd down in endzone -Thielen’s catch incomplete -This fair catch interference call that got picked up. Somebody needs to check his fan duel
  8. And the Bucs should only have 6. Bullshit PI call earlier, should have held them to a FG
  9. Refs got their weeks mixed up and think we are playing the Chiefs right now
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