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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. I am in education, so I was coming from that perspective. Most of the time, it is the accusation that matters, more than the legal aspect. I see that in the NFL too.
  2. I see your point, but I think people are confusing the NFL decision-making bodies with a court of law. "Accused" still makes the newspapers, twitter, TMZ, and tarnishes the brand. I am pretty sure that teams and the NFL know what happened before they make decisions. Did AP have a history of child abuse and clear evidence that he beat his child? Yes. Did Rice ever deny hitting his woman? No. Was Hardy with a woman on crack or meth or something, and was there physical conflict? Basically, if you are a highly-visible employee and your name gets caught up in controversy, it had better be a complete case of mistaken identity. If you have to make comments like, "She was high on crack but I wasn't" or "The multiple assault rifles were on the bed but the clips were empty..." you have damaged the reputation of your company by association and life style. you can live that way, but if and when it becomes public and damages the company you work for, expect consequences. If I am running the NFL, I am going to find out if careless decisions were made that hurt the NFL. If so, you will be dealing with the commish.
  3. Correct. The new NFL--win at all costs. Beat your women, beat your children, beat the opponent. Hang a banner. That is what true fans want to see.
  4. I had a coach tell me one time, "I would rather lose with kids I respect than win with those I don't" Winning is great, but if you have to sell out values and ethics to achieve it, it really means nothing in the long run. This is based on a few erroneous assumptions: 1. That Jerry Richardson does not care about winning 2. That Greg Hardy is needed for us to win. Wrong in both cases. Mr Richardson knows his age, knows his heart situation. Do you really think a former athlete would sit where he is sitting and not want to win? What is his motivation now, Money? Right. He is nearly 80. Do you think more money motivates him? He wants to be buried with a ring on his other hand--one as a player, one as an owner. Hardy had 1 dominant season where he tallied stats in bunches vs. weak opponents. He wants to be paid as an elite DE, when, quite frankly, he isn't. Ealy is already showing that the porch light is on, and many do not realize how much Horton improved. I think Gettlemen wants another DE, but not to replace Hardy--to possibly replace Johnson. We are fine on defense. If you want to talk about winning, go to the other side of the ball and special teams. That is where we can get better.
  5. Obviously, but calling it an adjective was part of the attempt at humor (what kind of "rice"?).
  6. Jerry? Sidney? Simeon? Condoleeza? Brown? Chicken N.? University? First names are important adjectives.
  7. Remmers played LT at Ore State, and I he has the build to play LT. I would like the RT to be more of a run blocker.
  8. Remmers struggled in Seattle. Let's put that in perspective: 2 months earlier, he was on another team's practice squad. He was probably still learning the playbook here. The noise in Seattle is the 12th man. Tough place to play OT. The Seattle defense is designed to take advantage of that noise--speed and complex pass rush packages I am not too upset about that game. Many OTs much more heralded and experienced have looked bad in Seattle. Remmers would be an ideal backup because he can play RT and played LT in college--he can pass protect. However, he is the best RT we have had here in a long time. I have every reason to believe he will get better in 2015.
  9. He is their darling, that is for sure. I think it is funny how he has a RB who gets 5 yards after getting hit at the LOS, a defense that not only keeps the other teams from scoring, but gives him turnovers with great field position. His "Hail Mary" 2-pointer vs. Green Bay is all I needed to see. Wilson is staring to believe the hype. You can tell by his answers when interviewed by the adoring media. He is not that good--he is elusive and able to improvise, but when you are usually leading the game and you have a defense that has your back, a RB who brings 8 to the box--really? That is like punching another kid on the playground while your buddies hold his arms and legs. Then walking around like you are one tough hombre.
  10. A skit, to be presented by second graders at an upcoming NOW conference: (Curtain opens. Jerry Richardson and Greg Hardy are sitting on a love seat, enjoying hot tea. Hardy's team of lawyers, paid for by PSL owners, have just left, celebrating the acquittal.) Mr. Richardson: I am sorry, Greg. I should have been more understanding. Here is a contract for $60 million. Can you ever forgive me? Greg: Can I still date and slap crack whores-in self defense (laughing)-- and maintain my collection of assault rifles--again, for self defense purposes? (laughing harder). (intermission) Mr. Richardson: Of course you can, Greg. That is the image I want for this team, by the way. I think your jersey sales are going to sky rocket after this verdict is announced. And since your behavior is something that we can all depend on, I am going to ask Dave to make that contract fully guaranteed. I mean, what are the odds that something like this could happen again? Hug? (Greg nods and leans toward Mr. Richardson's outreached arms) (they embrace) The end
  11. You see, if a player posts here and we enjoy it, we are hypocrites if we do not, from that point forward, applaud everything he does in life, Mkay? There is no gray area in life, Jeremy. No adjustments, no changes of direction as it changes. For us to understand it, we must put everything into one box. Seriously, some people here are more interested in bashing others' opinions than those they fail to rationally develop on their own.
  12. That is it. I think many on this board are ready to move on because we know that Hardy is a high risk. I think it is a great question because there are many reasons for it. Right or wrong, Hardy has been branded by the nation as a woman abuser. He slipped up in the spotlight, and it will cost him. The team that signs him will pay more than his salary--they have a star player--a face of the franchise--who was condemned by the public. You are buying a tarnished distraction as much as a player. The legal decision means little compared to the business side. Richardson is a family man, and he sells tickets to women and children too.
  13. Not merely a "speech" (it was written) when you value character--some can't even recognize it or attribute the role it actually plays in success. The point was to make connections for the people who cannot see its value. It was evident here, for those who value character and have ever played the game, it was obvious. If you think Seattle's contracts are beyond criticism, just say so. I think they are being stupid. I don't think character is put at a premium in Seattle. I think it is here.
  14. Sam Mills fan has a great question: Why is this board anti-Greg Hardy? Is it about women? Is it about the cap? I am not against Greg Hardy, but I am not for paying him what he is worth either. This team turned things around without him, and I feel that his absence, not helped by Frank Alexander, was a big reason we struggled. I mean, at the beginning of the season, our run D was poor. So we sat watching our team lose 8 of 12 while he was cashing checks at $750K per week. That has to piss you off as a fan. That was our cap money--our PSLs, the reason we pay $5 for a soft pretzel. Hardy had a great year, but the sacks came in bunches vs. teams with scrub LTs for the most part. When he went against quality, he disappeared. I was ready to let him go before the arrest. A financial decision. You cannot have 2 DEs eating up 30% of the cap. Common sense. How did this team turn it around? I think we value character and it showed. While Frank "Lotus smoker" Alexander and Greg "I am dating a crack ***** and I like it" Hardy were letting us down, there was a core of developing talent stepping up. Character is a huge factor when a 20-year old kid takes over at RG in the NFL and dominates. Do we think Andrew Norwell at LG, an undrafted beast, would have been ready to play if he were out partying with 50 assault rifles and a slut on weekends? He got the chance and he was ready. Character. What about his ex-college teammate, Philly Brown? Tre Boston? Bene Benwikere? Think about Josh Norman, who has continued getting better while spending most of his career in Ron's dog house and sitting on the bench. Yes, he does dumb things, but he never quit. Character-made obvious through coachability and work ethic, turned this team around while Greg pushed aside his weaponry and watched from his couch. At DE, Horton suddenly was not fighting for a roster spot, he was starting. He got better as the season progressed. Ealy turned up the developmental time table for 4-3 DEs and started flashing by season end. In fact, he found ways of getting to the QB from the DT spot. Addison found ways to pressure the QB. Voth describes things that would suggest high character--something you need to be on this team. Let's see if Greg learned anything from his ordeal, or if his primary interest is still money.
  15. Filmed the Panther walkthrough in Super Bowl vs. Panthers. Hurney swears to it, but since nobody was policing it then, it was not brought to light. You cannot believe that all they have done has been exposed--So much depends on honor and sportsmanship. The Patriots are the main reason they have to make rules that others would consider unsportsmanlike or cheating. If the rulebook does not say it is illegal, that does not mean it is condoned by the league. It means nobody has been so pathetic and desperate to try something like that. Belichick has brought a new breed of slime to the NFL--he is a pioneer. If all you do is examine the proven evidence and not the circumstantial, then you can win the argument because even the NFL commissioner destroyed all of the notes and tapes following his investigation into Spygate in 2007. Do you think, if he discovered that the Patriots cheated to win by 3 vs. the Panthers, he would reveal that 4 years after the fact? No. That is why he punished only what was already known. There was no "new" evidence. It was a cover up--there is enough circumstantial evidence to believe that there is a strong possibility Hurney knew it, but could not prove it. So Spygate in 2007, like the rest of New England's "trickery", is probably the tip of the iceberg. When the media, not the NFL, exposed wrong doings. In fact, when was that not the case? There is no obligation to justice or fairness. This is a business. So when you talk about evidence and proof, you are holding the critics to a standard to which the Patriots themselves were not held. Why was the evidence after spygate destroyed? Would it not be advantageous to preserve it in the event of a recurrence or legal recourse of any kind? Surely, a lawyer knows that. Yes, since the investigation was not done independently, we will never know. But relax about holding others to the burden of proof for their opinions--there was no due process, transparency, or full disclosure. Wonder why?
  16. 1982--the Snowplow FG game vs. Miami. (not familiar? Google it) 2003 and later--Spygate 2015-Inflate gate Nah, there is no culture of trying to gain an unfair advantage by bending rules and breaking codes of ethics. It was all atmospheric conditions.
  17. If you have ever had the chance to talk to him, you would know how genuine he is. My son (I have shared this before) saw him leaving an OTA in mid practice, so he caught up to him walking with a trainer back toward the stadium. He asked for an autograph, and Davis held up his hand to gesture "no," then just rubbed his head gently and said, "This isn't a good time, son." My son came back a bit confused because he thought it was a great time. As it turns out, it was moments after he tore his ACL for the second time. He was not limping, so we thought he was fine. Now, imagine you just realized that your career could be over. You know you just lost millions of dollars. If anyone asked you for something at that time, how would you react?
  18. Yes, and because the 3-4 OLBs make a ton of sacks, he may never get the credit he deserves as a legit OLB. At least he gets it off the field.
  19. I am more excited about this than any other award our players have received. Congrats to a class act!!!!!!!!
  20. I know they said that, but.... Drafting him shows how high they are on him. If they really thought, with the roster empty at WR, that they could get a starting slot guy out of Brown, they would have taken him in the sixth round.
  21. Realistically, Brown would be a terrific fourth WR. I am not sure that he has the body to take 16 games of NFL pounding. We need another good, outside WR (I don't want to call it a #2; I think a complement to Benjamin) and a speedy, sure-handed slot. I would not mind a possession-type WR like Cotchery and Brown splitting time there, playing situationally
  22. Remmers is so important-what a find. He played LT at Ore St, so if we could find 2 tackles and Remmers could provided depth at both spots, he is worth a decent contract. However, his play takes the pressure off Gettlemen because he was decent at RT--the best RT we have had in years. Silatolu and Kugbila are looking like wasted picks, But that doesn't matter when you can find a gem like Norwell and draft a player like Turner. Velasco is a key piece-he is the Remmers of the interior line because he can play center. I feel good about this unit, but I think we are going to have to start a rookie at LT. We shall see.
  23. Where do they NOT have cameras in the stadium (required since 9/11)? Bathrooms. Where does the Patriot equipment personnel take 24 footballs in 2 bags? The bathroom. How long was he probably carrying the balls from the inspection area to the field? I am guessing 10 minutes at the most. If you were going to pee, would it be when you had a task that required carrying 2 large sacks or would you go before or after that task? If 90 seconds is not enough time to deflate 11 footballs, is it enough time to switch the Patriots' bag with one hidden in the bathroom? Bill B. is still lying about Spygate because Goodell covered the tracks by destroying the evidence over a 2-week period following his "investigation." Remember, he is friends with Kraft, his employee, and he is determined to preserve the integrity of the game. So he fined BB for what was already known, and he probably destroyed evidence that was not, because he has said many times that he will "protect the shield." So we are mistaken when we assume that a judicial process is underway. A business process is underway. BB feels certain that no confession and no visual evidence = innocence. He might be right. Goodell has been hammered this year and will not make a strong stand. He is looking for an out, not the truth. Richard Sherman knows it, which is why he said what he said. Finally, the Patriots do not have to explain why the other 12 balls the Pats employee handed were not out of compliance, but if they offer explanations that include things like temperature and pre-game handling, they are operating on the assumption that the Colts do not do the same thing (maybe aware that they are an indoor team and there practice balls are never in the elements). However, the 12 balls in the Colts bag were regulation, and nearly all of the Patriots balls were not. They were in the same place at the same time, in the same weather, in the same game. So instead of filling us with a bunch of science crap (the video above assumes that weight and throwing velocity are the variables that would benefit Brady, but that is presumptuous. The Hall of Fame QB's grip was the reason the balls were under-inflated. To prevent turnovers. Remember the time he was saved vs. Oakland in the "Tuck Rule" game? Heck, defending Marty Hurney's comment about the culture of cheating in New England--they have a storied history of finding ways to gain an unfair advantage. It was New England vs. Miami in 1982 when the ex con cleared snow off the field in Foxboro so the kicker could get footing. The Pats won 3-0. Filming signals and walk throughs in spy gate 20 years later, found with underinflated balls that improve grip 12 years after that when playing in a quagmire....Do you think these are exceptions or tips of the ice berg? Since there is nobody officiating the ethical practices of teams, The Pats know by now that you can twist the rules and bend the truth to win games and play stupid when caught. It is a culture. Mr. Kraft should get no apology even if they cannot prove guilt. That is an arrogant rich man showing how out of touch he is with reality. He is playing the media to win support. I hope it has been a distraction this week and last. I hope Bill is shut out and loses 53-0 because the Seahawks found a loop hole in the rule book.
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