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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. When you put it that way, I must reflect. I mean, G'jack has more posts than Matsko and Gettlemen combined. He has more pie. He must know more than those two newbs.
  2. Back to the topic---I see it this way: Matsko, Gettlemen, Rivera, etc. had tons of film to observe. They interviewed him. They signed him. Does anyone think they would have signed him had he totally sucked? There is something there they feel they can work with or they would not have bothered. If you want to improve your portfolio, you don't spend your wad on high flyers. You get rich by finding gems in the heap of gravel. How many times will Gettlemen have to do this before people stop doubting his eye? Fact: There are no superstars in free agency at OT. There are few who can play LT. We grabbed one before the bidding wars started. If he gets no worse, he is decent backup material. If he gets better, and all signs point to at least a modest improvement, then this is a solid signing. Nobody said he is the new starting LT. Nobody said he will start. You build the roster from the bottom up. Bottom line: When we did not re-sign Bell and signed Oher, we got better. How much better? Who knows. However, what did anyone expect from a free agent, OT signing? Gettlemenjack is in no way a talent evaluator. Nor am I or anyone else. But he needs to change his username if he is going to doubt our GM.
  3. This is a solid signing. I am sure Matsko had a lot of input. probably our RT, or will compete there. If the $$ is around $2m per season, I am ok.
  4. Jawan James was projected to be a second to third rounder last year. He was arguably the best roolie LT in 2014 (went around #19). We tend to look at one or two sites and value players based on what those crack heads tell us. However, I cannot see why Flowers is better than Fisher--In fact, I think Fisher is a round better. I rarely hear talk of Laurence Gibson, and he will be a second rounder, imo.
  5. Maybe we should trade Stewart to the Philly Ducks and use the $$ to sign Spiller.
  6. They do? Nah, I wondered too. I am not interested because I do not know what they do. Maybe there is a good reason for that.
  7. I think he would be a great fit in Seattle. They are winning now, he is aging, and I can see AJ and RW being on the same page--a lot.
  8. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/five-potential-landing-spots-for-andre-johnson/ar-BBiazJn?ocid=U141DHP This article suggests that Carolina is one of 5 landing spots for him. How do they know? Psychic? Inside information? Or do they look at a list of needs and decide? I am pretty sure it is the last one. Isn't he about 34? "Imagine Kelvin Benjamin and Andre Johnson lining up opposite one another with Cam Newton tossing them the rock. That’s the type of passing offense that could help Carolina take the next step towards conference championship contention. Right now, the Panthers are sorely lacking at receiver opposite Benjamin, who received 27 percent of Newton’s targets last season. It goes without saying that the young pass catcher will need someone to help him shoulder the load. Panthers general manager Dave Gettleman dropped the ball big time in free agency last year. He simply cannot afford to do that again, especially with the team negotiating a long-term deal with its franchise quarterback. Adding Johnson would help Newton take the Panthers more seriously in said negotiations."
  9. If you were one of the people bashing Gettlemen for not selling the farm for Collins, please go ahead and own up to it and start the healing process.
  10. My thoughts are this--give these guys a decent contract with a small signing bonus and little guaranteed. Playing for guaranteed money has to be different than having to earn it as you go. Example-- Oher gets a deal for $20m over 5 years. Sounds crazy, right? His signing bonus was $1m spread over 5 years. He gets cut if he does not earn a starting position. The first year is at $1m. I think, with his question marks, he is worth a $2m investment for a year--that is basically what this is.
  11. First Duron Carter and now this?!!!.... ...Get those police cars back or I will jump.
  12. So the way I see this, peeking through the journalistic hype and chest pounding, is that there is possibly a video in NFL hands that contains some evidence of who it was that dragged the female, even though everyone involved, including the female, denies that an assault took place or anyone dragged the female anywhere (?). I am going to read this again, but if true, and Dez did this, it is worse because it is kidnapping and possibly assault. This is me talking--have not heard that word (kidnapping) anywhere else, but if she was abducted against her will, forced into another car, and removed from the parking lot--even if she was returned---it is worse than Ray Rice. Extending your thought, Monsta, the media sure has changed a lot since I was a kid. Too often, they are not reporting the news, but making it. The way they reported the recent cases involving police shootings and then pointing camera crews at the mobs (the mobs they created) was no less than building the stage for a play. We now have to question everything we read, even from CNNs and ABCs because they are all chasing advertising dollars. Personally, I feel sorry for Dez--I do not like to see lives ruined for amusement purposes. However, if he did this, that will change--when I have proof.
  13. Great speed, marginal hands, terrible attitude. NOPE
  14. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/adam-schefter-confirms-that-dez-bryant-video-exists/ar-BBhXN8I?ocid=U141DHP Breaking news: Schefter says tape exists
  15. Sick. If true, he slides below Ray Carruth and Aaron Hernandez on the NFL scumbag totem pole. Character doesn't matter, though, in the NFL
  16. Not something to be proud of---takes a sick mind to think of stuff like that--a sicker mind to make it a public joke. At least I will not be alone in hell....
  17. Home movie of him with a prostitute, and when he turned on the light, we learn that the prostitute was actually..... Sorry. Bad, Bad, Jeff Ireland joke.
  18. Did not read the entire thread, but he ran a 4.7 at the combiine. However, he plays faster, in my opinion. He wants to play LB, not SS. A lot of people are going to regret not drafting this guy.
  19. She was/is the reason the NFL wears pink in October--maybe DWIll expected more of a tribute than he got. I dunno. All I know is this: It is a very emotional time for DWill and I know he is in pain. He has to know that his career is probably done. His mother recently passed. Probably a bad idea to go social media with the venting, but I do not think Jerry Richardson is at the source of his pain. The realities of life are. He aged out at the same time his mom died. That is tough. You have to remember that this is his side of the story. I doubt Mr. Richardson offers a reaction.
  20. Maybe they have a tough time separating the family atmosphere from the business side. DWIll was a panther for a third of his life--tough getting cut. It takes time getting over a mother's death. I give him a pass. Look at his life the past year-money doesn't buy everything.
  21. THAT PHOTO IS THE KISS OF DEATH. All 3 players not to be on roster in 2015.
  22. I see this as another shot of chemo to rid us of Marty Hurney. Guts you, makes you sick, but it is necessary. I should also say that DWill was paid much more $$ than his production was worth. I admire the man, the smiling reminder that this is just a game. Still, this was inevitable.
  23. wasnt Bus Brett Favre's agent? Remember how Favre played teams each of the last 2-3 seasons so he could miss training camp but still get a huge deal?
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