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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. Yes, it was choc full of panther news. Keep it up, scoop.
  2. Really not Panther related--these guys talk about the Panthers but their content is not about the Panthers so who gives a sh? Who really has time to follow their twitter comments--or a reason to care?
  3. You really don't comprehend reading well, do you? Keep living the lie and you will be fine--tell people you own your parents' house and you are letting them live with you, tell them that your prom date in the picture is not your sister, and tell everyone that the tassel hanging from the rear-view mirror of your AMC Pacer is from your high school graduation instead of some discarded curtains. People would believe that stuff if they don't know you well.
  4. I am not here to praise Stewart either. They both had their moments, but they both were paid too much. At least Stewie was not going to be making millions as a 32-year old RB getting 3.5 yards per carry.
  5. For a back who only cracked the 1000 yard mark twice in nine seasons, you could argue that he was a Stealer here too. Be here all week. Try the veal.
  6. He could play TDs spot and move TD to the other side to prolong his career. He could be our next SS. If I could get a player like this, I might take my chances on a #2 WR being there in the second round and a T in the third.
  7. DeAngelo played 4 sixteen game seasons (of nine). He fumbled as much in his last 37 games (final 3 seasons) as he did in the six seasons before that. He had 2 seasons where he rushed for over 1000 yards. His numbers (rushing totals) have been decreasing each year since 2011. It was time. I have said it many times: If I were a GM, I would not keep a RB on a second contract (unless it was cheap). They rarely earn them. Spend the $$ on the OL.
  8. Don't blame someone for judging him when his parting shots go viral.
  9. Yeah, and I really think that he tries to set up the BPA approach in free agency. I simply think it means he will not reach. Since I question the quality of OTs in the draft's early stages, I would bet that we do not take one in the first round. I bet we take a WR again. He has filled holes with people, so, as you say, lets watch. We are still learning him. I love what he is doing, personally.
  10. Believe what you want, but since you don't know the Panther's board, you are only guessing. but if your theory is true, it is possible that a CB could be atop the board every round. So are you saying we would draft 7 CBs? What if the BPA is a 3-4 OLB? Everything Gettlemen says is subject to some degree of interpretation. He is under no obligation to be completely transparent, and you do not know what he means when he says "Best." Best to you may mean best player, but best to him may mean "best fit". We drafted a WR first last year when we had nothing in the cupboard. Coincidence? Hell no.
  11. This makes for an interesting debate, that is for sure. OK, I see your point, but the board is influenced by need. It is a crazy theory, but I don't think any GM truly means that. The reason I think that, MG, is because they take positions off the board after they draft a position (Not sure if DG does, but I have heard others say it). For example, they took all DEs off their board after drafting Ealy last year. If you were the GM and you know our need for OT, would you really take Bryce Petty (QB, Baylor) if he is there on your board and right under him sits Daryl Williams (OT Oklahoma). Perry might be rated the higher player according to the team's system, but he is not going to be the best player on this team. He would simply compete with Webb and Anderson for the clipboard. The obvious question then is, "Why would the Panthers have QBs on the board at all?" Then you get into need going into the creation of the board. I have a feeling that we will draft a WR very early. We will draft an OT or 2. If they are not atop the board., Gettlemen has to grab them because they are not sitting in free agency and decent talent is not likely to be cut. I really see your point, but I guess I am going on human nature. I don't think a pre-draft rule is concrete, without a certain amount of fluidity---which is consistent with your last statement. I think we are saying the same thing, just disagree about the degree the rule is bent.
  12. How do you know that "best" means the same to you as it does Gettlemen? In other words, (I explained this in response to jack's post) need could be perceived as adding to the value. BPA means that his is not reaching for a player because he needs to fill that position. However, if a need is near the top of their board, damn right he is taking him.
  13. bingo. "Best" includes a characteristic called "need." And it is definitely a factor when all things are equal. I think BPA means that he is not going to reach for a need, like drafting a player a round earlier than what he is worth because you fell in love with him or he may not be there in 32 picks. That explains why he passed on OT last year. This year, however, I think the Tackle talent is spread out and I don't think there is a lot of difference between the top and bottom, at least like DEs or QBs.
  14. Taste of your own medicine. I mean, if people on the internet start ignoring you, who would you ever talk to? I am actually laughing at you. You are very entertaining, but nobody whose directives I would take seriously.
  15. Lemme get this straight, you want to change a baby's diaper? I think you confused your web site links. This is the Huddle.
  16. You deserve every bit. All I see is you engaging in personal attacks with people. I actually get PMs about what a jerk you are. I am sure this is not something new.
  17. There is a story on how his username originated. His roommate in reform school was named William Watson. They were close. So for his roomie's birthday, he tatooed a "W" on each of his butt cheeks, representing his close friend's initials. When William came home, he was greeted by an adoring roommate, grabbing his ankles, showing off the artistry on his ass cheeks, two Bold "W's. "Surprise!!" he shouted. William looked confused, and asked, " What does WOW mean?"
  18. What was his best year, 7 sacks or something? Nearly $7m per?
  19. I was abused as a child-nobody was raising me. So, I thought I would do my part. thanks, buddy.
  20. Personally, I do not see when it is ever appropriate to beat a child. If you hit anyone else the way AP hit his child, it is felony assault and battery. Why do we treat children like their parents' property and not human beings? Is it because they have the responsibility to raise them? Nobody earned the right, nobody passed a course, nobody had to qualify in any way. You have sex, a kid arrives, and we are its unqualified providers and protectors. We get frustrated because we don't know how to handle situations, so we hit a person four times smaller than we are. That ain't parenting. That is brutal ignorance. AP literally and physically damaged his child, not to mention the psychological, long-term impact that kid will carry inisde for years.. I normally agree with you, BJ, but not on this one. I have seen the damaged children who are being raised by their parents. I have reported their parenting approaches to child protective services and saved kids--or rescued them--from their parents. This is my book on the topic: http://www.amazon.com/Quiet-Desperation-Competition-Neglected-Children-ebook/dp/B00C1OK6AC I spent 5 years researching the topic before writing this. Did you know that Norway does not "spank" their children, and they have not for 2 generations? They find it to be barbaric. They have one of the lowest crime and suicide rates in the world. They do not have children taking drugs to keep up in school. They see children as humans who need to be nurtured and not beaten. Imagine that. I am glad the NFL stepped up. I hope it saved other children from similar beatings. You are, unfortunately, in the majority, BJM. When you never question tradition, it tends to own the people who follow it.
  21. He can fly. Imagine Nortman's 55-yard punts being fair caught when Jones and Williams are standing there when the ball arrives.
  22. Great point about Cam. I do not think we would have brought in Oher if Matsko did not feel confident about his ability to get the most out of him. Did people complain about signing Mitchell and Remmers? Yup. Special teams--not the offense--was this team's achilles heel last year. We have already upgraded at OT and WR--more to come, but we are in good shape.
  23. We would not have the fun of conflict on here if the good Lord only gave internet rights to people with common sense. I am a homer. This is a Panther website, where Panther fans go. If anyone is looking for objectivity, don't google a discussion board dedicated to the Panthers. Homers are critical of the team (sometimes unfairly) when things are not going well. They support the team when things are going well. I personally LOVE the moves and the style Gettlemen is demonstrating. Yes, I want the eye-level Snickers bar at the grocery store checkout, but I have the sense to know that Mom knows what is best for me when she puts it back. Some want to make Mom the villain, when if you had your way, you would be a 350 lb. middle aged, pimple-faced man still living in her basement, banging away at your computer about objectivity on a Panther discussion board.
  24. To be a locker room cancer, all you have to do is shine a negative light on your teammates. (I know we associate it with the inability to get along with teammates, but if you are screwing up in public or letting them down by doing idiotic things that get you injured, the teammates get pissed--they want rings, not interview questions about your stupidity). If they are all out doing community work--visiting hospitals, raising money for breast cancer, etc. and some turd teammate is flying down Brookshire going 100+ mph passing cars with children and innocent people in them, guess who gets the PR? Guess who gets hated in the locker room? Check out Dwan Edward's recent comments, a guy who played beside Hardy. He has a wife and small girls at home. He sounds as if he took it a bit personally. Do you think that friction is not "locker room cancer?" Could I play beside Adrian Peterson, even if he was a great person to me? I would have problems with it because I take child abuse very seriously. If you still defend Hardy, you just don't get it. That is OK, nobody said only decent, sensible people could access the internet.
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