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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. I often look back on draft days gone by in a nostalgic stupor think, "I was totally wrong." I am willing to bet you are the same---everyone.
  2. I doubt we draft 2 WRs. WR is a need, but that need is eliminated with a solid #2. Benjamin, Stud #2, C. Brown, Boykin, Cotchery, Ginn--already much better than last year.
  3. Very sorry, Sgt. I have today and Friday off. I am going to have grilled chicken thighs with Barbeque sauce on some, buffalo sauce on the others, corn on the cob, and some shrimp with cocktail sauce. Not complex, but it makes a subtle statement. Of course, the sauce could change to Texas PEAT or I could add steak for SCHERFF and Turf. Maybe some fried FISHer with some WHITE wine. Either way, a bouquet of FLOWERS for the table. I won't do that again.
  4. The best scenario? Make only PEDs illegal, but make injury settlements invalid if the player has drugs in his system when injured. Think about it. Players would get high to deal with pain. Some might play high.
  5. Landon Collins (remember how excited we were to get Lester? Collins is better, but not first-round better) Andrus Peat (I read an article about him that I can't get out of my mind-basically, he is a bust waiting to happen) Melvin Gordon (Beware Wisconsin RBs. Gordon gets no yards, no yards, and then he busts one. Suggests that he has poor vision, because I know the Wisconsin OL was opening holes
  6. Very good point. I was going after the people who were taking the position that character doesn't matter--better take him or our NFC S rivals will. I think you are correct--we don't know why he had red flags--if he can explain them and you are satisfied, then you have removed the character issue so that you can draft him. Drafting someone with character issues, however, is a bad idea. Same page, brother Thomas!
  7. What some people do not seem to get is this: Character matters. It matters in the locker room, the weight room, the film room--they are all connected. A TEAM is genuinely only as strong as its weakest link. A teammate who does not value you on the field or off it shows that by getting into trouble. If you have ever been on a team playing at a high level (high school-pros) you understand character and its relationship to commitment. Now to address the many stupid comments I read here: Jerry Richardson is the only owner in the league who played in the NFL and he values character. Many of you are the same people who raised hell when the Panthers did not exercise the option to keep Steve Smith here until age 37 at a cost of about $19m. He was a cancer in the locker room. No WRs ever brought in after he was here ever prospered because he was a dick. But you saw the glitter, the on-field fights and the spinning of the ball after a catch and thought, "Hall of fame!!!" No. 750 yards, 35 years old, and a locker room cancer. Not a hard cut. If I am in the news and totally innocent and it is learned that I am partying with a crack ho, driving a car 100 mph, and have a collection of assault rifles on my furniture at home, I imagine I would lose my job even though I was not caught or convicted of a crime. How in the hell do you all think you should keep your job when you are tarnishing the name of the company you work for? Are you so stupid that you think Goodell is a judge and is operating under the constraints of the legal system? Here are some guidelines that most people with a brain seem to get: 1. Don't drive 50 miles per hour over the speed limit. 2. Don't date crack hos and hit them when they are acting out on crack, 3. Keep your gun collection locked up. Now, if your experience on a team was narrated by Madden and involves a joy stick, you probably won't get this. If leadership experience on your resume features the words "fantasy football" you probably won't get it. But these players live together, work together, and depend on one another. Character is very important, something that is difficult to see if you lack it.
  8. No offense Philly, but we had 3 guys from Philly on my college team, and all three were the most obnoxious players on the team. We taped them to the goal posts, put Atomic balm in their jocks before practice, and dumped the cooler on them in November ( 30 degrees) at practice when they were laughing at us for saying it was cold. I have found that they were creatures of their environment, that everyone I ever met from Philly was equally obnoxious. This made me feel bad for laughing when they were being bullied, because they really couldn't help it. They were environmental dicks, not dicks by choice.
  9. Nice picture. I like to see what my money (for doing nothing) was spent on. I want to propose that my boss puts me on the Commissioner's list until they figure out who took that stapler.
  10. It will be like a bye week. In both cases, they won't be getting a "W."
  11. Dan Marino and I are tied in the Super Bowl ring category, I suppose we are both equally good QBs.
  12. One of the reason the WR corps has to come back for the ball -- Wilson has few timing routes. they never know when he is going to throw it, run it, scramble, etc. Watch how early they look back for the ball. That slows you down and allows DBs to recover. He is a train wreck for WRs. I would HATE to be one of his WRs. HATE it, I say.
  13. I would also like to add that you are seeing the result of the expensive contracts they are paying the defense. 2 years ago, these guys were on cheap deals. No longer. Wilson is crazy if he thinks he is elite. take away a good OL, Lynch, and he is running scared. The GM is absolutely correct, He could put Derrick Anderson under center and get similar results.
  14. Wilson is a smart qb, but he would not be considered good if he had to carry a team. Playing qb when the defense give up 12 points per game means you get the team in field goal range twice and score a TD to win. Look at his Green Bay game. Look at his Super Bowl. nothing special. He is believing the hype. He literally thinks he is great. How marvelous.
  15. Thanks for providing the quote that summed up this thread so beautifully. I teared up when I read it.
  16. Cleveland all browns--how can they not feel like turds in those? That would be as bad as a peach-colored pant/jersey/helmet combo with a scrotum pouch hand warmer. I wonder how bad Tampa Bay feels, because their uniforms still suck more than any other team in any sport.
  17. Before I tell you this, remember, it is the off season-- My wife is from the Cleveland area, so I watched the Channel 5 unveiling show. They talked about it for 30 minutes. At the unveiling, there were about 5000 people in attendance. Then they cane out in huge orange parkas (9 players) and dropped them, and began to break into body-builder poses for lack of anything else to do. They loved them. They better copyright that color scheme. Nicknames: fudge badgers, blood turds, crap patrol, sewer demons, Brown toilet trouts....I am still working on others.
  18. http://www.clevelandbrowns.com/team/2015-uniform-reveal.html 9 variations. The orange is redder, the brown is blacker.
  19. I guarantee that I can accurately predict 50% of matchups specific to each date.
  20. The only thing I can add to the thought process is this (assuming it has not already been stated) : There are usually only a few positions people are willing to move up for in the first round of the draft--they are the positions that are hard to find--LOT, QB, pass rushers, shut-down CB, and that is about it. If you look at this draft, there is one CB who may be worth moving up for, but doubtful he is there at 16-20 (Waynes). We don't need a QB, and again, no way one is there at 16-20. So, my theory would suggest that they have their eye on a pass rusher or LT. When a 4-3 team says, Pass rusher, we are thinking DE. I see the 3-4 DEs and OLBs, but who are the 4-3 DEs who will be there at 16 but not at 25? I just don't see one that they would covet that much. If correct, that leaves OT--Left Tackle. As far as projecting people to either side of the ball, we can't say--the crackheads with blogs and websites (no offense, Jeremy) don't know either. In this draft, 3 of the top LT candidates were ROTs for the most part in college. Last year, the only first round draft pick LT to play well was a RT at Tennessee. So we should forget about assuming we know best--we don't. Personally, I think the Tackles will drop and the panthers will never make the trade. Let's look at the top T prospects: Scherff (could he be the guy? He is being projected as a G and most are saying top 10, but that is what they said about DeCastro a few years ago, who was also a top 10 projection. He fell to about 23) may not even be the first OL to go. I do not see Flowers or Peat in the top 15, and I genuinely think Collins falls into the later picks of the first. If the OTs start coming off the board around 15, then there are 10 selections before the Panthers pick. Peat Flowers Collins Scherff Is Sherff on our board? I have no idea, but I don't get why everyone calls him a G and Collins a T. Then you have the second wave, if you can call them that: Clemmings Ogbuehi Humphries Fisher So Hatter seems to be all over it---it just makes sense that they are after Peat or Flowers, but I think Peat is the better player.
  21. That is true. I think, since RB has been devalued, that this fan base has forgotten what an elite RB can do because it has never really had an elite RB--Stew and DWIll had a few good seasons, but I am talking about AP/Beat Mode good. You could argue that Stephen Davis was close to elite, and you see where that got us.
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