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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. On page 3 or 4 of this thread, I wrote "I am guessing $22m/3 years." I was wrong. Seriously--he was given an annual value of $6.8m on Spotrac and I read somewhere else that his value was around $9m per. It seems a bit steep, but I am not sure they had a lot of interest in many other free agent TEs...Dunno Manhertz got $3m per. TE is a position people are valuing more now.
  2. And of course, the NFL Network thinks this is ALL they need to talk about today- Yesterday and Monday they kept getting Updates from Dallas--when the lady said, "I will repeat: the Cowboy strategy is to build through the draft--not big players in free agency." Yet they dropped in on the Cowboy reporter every hour. Unreal.
  3. Now, after saying all that, I would like for some photographic proof that your WIFE is going with you to KC to watch the draft. That would never happen in the MHS household. Just need a pic of you with the first overall pick--no photoshopping.
  4. Take the information or not, folks. It is not Casillias' job to verify his information for you--he is not trying to troll or mislead you--not his style---take the info or leave it, but badgering him like some $20 attorney is not cool.
  5. Offensive Priorities in order QB (Draft) WR (2--free agent, draft) RB (free agent) T (depth) TE (depth, pass catching) It is hard for me to tell with the defense. YGM is probably a pass-rushing DE or a run-stuffing Edge. Chinn is probably going to play nickel and the in-the-box S when they run the 3 S looks--so may players are hybrids, it is hard to gauge it in a depth chart format.
  6. Whoever it is we pick, they will be coached up. I think it is Stroud 50% Young 30% Levis 10%, and AR 10%. But criticizing (implied) Stroud because his WRs were open when he hits them in the #s is silly. That could be because the DBs can't predict what Stroud is going to do or that he was not telegraphing. Who knows.
  7. His injury history and production (based partly on the QB situation in Indy--Rivers, Wentz, Ryan, etc.) are reasons that we could get a solid WR at a discount rate. We have many holes to fill. Funny how the focus was first defense, then offense.
  8. I wish I could make $8m to suck at my job for a year.
  9. Good. Makes it easier to hate him. I did not like having him on my team.
  10. Bucs just signed Baker. I have been so bad at it....I see your point and those were my first thoughts.
  11. Someone has to be blamed!!! Kidding. I appreciate the catch--Ian could be in the know and the Panthers may know something we all have missed. I appreciating you tolerating me throwing you under the bus, twice. Just having some fun with posters I feel that I can trust.
  12. It scares me too, but I am not very good at evaluating QBs as they transition to the NFL...I am horrible at it.
  13. Open your minds for at least the next 30 days or so. Take Stroud and put him under center at Kentucky. Think about the OL there, the receivers, etc. Take Young and put him under center at Kentucky. Think about the OL there, the receivers, etc. Take Levis and put him under center at Bama or OSU. Think about the OL there, the receivers, etc. Is it possible that these professional coaches and talent evaluators see something in Levis that we do not? Is it POSSIBLE....? If I am wrong, and they draft Levis and he goes full Ryan Leaf on us, blame Jon Snow.
  14. Same thought. I then thought of the Colts' problems with QB, OL, etc. The more I think of today--if they come away with Campbell, Hurst, and Theilen, we'd be OK--not perfect, but on a budget, I would say we have done well.
  15. I know. Remember 2 years ago when everyone thought the Niners were moving up to #3 for Jones? If he has heard something, it is lying season. if they moved up for him, they know something we don't. I just think they would have traded with Cardinals if Levis was the guy. The only argument I would have to defend Levis: When have we ever seen him in a clean pocket with a stable full of stud pass retrievers at his disposal? We have only seen him in bad situations. Then I think, there were people in NY who were begging for Sam Darnold....Who knows.
  16. Way to stir up a panic, Jon Snow (if that is your real name)! I am going back on my meds because of that post.
  17. https://www.draftsharks.com/fantasy/injury-history/parris-campbell/10209 His injury history--nothing that major--sprains and some ankle issues--one concussion---so you could argue that he had a run of bad luck.
  18. Dang--Carolinas medical center wants to sit in on the contract negotiations.
  19. This gives them control, regardless. We are getting a really good QB, regardless. I can make an argument for either, although, based on what I know and have seen, I prefer Stroud. These contracts are for 3 years--I get the feeling that they want stability around this new QB--and they plan on starting him. Only Dalton has a 2 year deal
  20. No--I was only kidding--hiding the fact that I have been on here all week--like I have no life, wife, or strife.
  21. I agree, and we may not get a really good WR there--I think we are going to sign a WR or two today/tomorrow.
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