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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. OK, Mrs. Tepper, recreation time is up. Back to your cell--I mean, assisted living room.
  2. Best player on the team. Even if the stats don't show it--watch him chase the play to the whistle. How many DTs are in on tackles on the opposite sideline? Without Brown, our DL would be about as useful as saloon doors.
  3. Maybe this will help. A lot of it has to do with intent, but pushing is assault, for example, even if the recipient of the push is not bruised or hurt in any way. Most people are not bruised by pushing. Throwing a drink in someone's face is a form of assault and here is a similar example. I know a guy who was a teacher leaving a school board meeting and some angry protestors gathered outside. A man threw a pizza crust at the teacher, hitting him in the back. The man filed a complaint, and the pizza tosser was arrested at his home that night. Not sure if it was stuffed crust or deep dish--details were not provided in the police blotter the next day. The intent was to provoke an altercation and humiliate a teacher leaving a school board meeting. By your standards, this is acceptable if it did not cost the teacher a pint of blood or an eye, and that is not the case. This post seems to suggest there is no legal recourse for someone throwing fluids into your face if it does not leave a mark. It is important to understand the difference between assault and battery. Elements of Assault It is noteworthy that someone can be charges with assault without an act of violence. An attempt to injure someone is also considered assault. So Tepper would have to explain why he felt that throwing fluid into someone's face is not an attempt to injure that person (using the legal definition of injury, which could be humiliation or public ridicule). The act was intended to cause apprehension of harmful or offensive contact. (CHECK--it was meant as an offensive gesture to cause apprehension or provoke violence) The act indeed caused reasonable apprehension in the victim that harmful or offensive contact would occur. (CHECK--offensive contact did occur--throwing fluid in someone's face is "offensive contact." any reasonable person might feel threatened. Note there is still no mention of contusions or broken bones) There was an imminent physical gesture signifying a threat. (CHECK. throwing anything at anyone is a threatening, physical gesture) Battery The actual violent act, as you pictured, is battery, most likely, assault and battery, which means the intent and acts to cause violence and the violent act itself. Assault is the intent to harm or injure regardless of the degree of violence or successful execution of that act--and the violence itself is battery. So when you show pictures of assault and battery you are not accurately depicting simple assault with no battery. It is confusing, but if you angrily throw fluid in someone's face--even if you miss the target---it is assault because the intent was to physically (not verbally or emotionally) injure (harm, ridicule, defame, humiliate) another person.
  4. What do they call it, "Black Monday?" the day after the season ends? I think Fittermagic will be fired on Monday. You are right, "Who knows?"
  5. I see your point and wish I could share in your optimism-i have had the same thoughts. Until he takes his hands off the steering wheel, this franchise is headed for the iceberg.
  6. I think Tepper will fire him--he has nobody else left to blame. The narcissist leader will fire all those around him to avoid taking the blame himself. We all got to see that between 2016-2020. It should not be a shock to anyone.
  7. You have to see the underlying narcissism in that "apology." He admits to being wrong about not letting stadium security handle the problem, but I don't care what was said, I saw no threat to Tepper. Fans talk smack--that is not a stadium security issue. Tepper screamed "Fug" out loud and was caught on camera. then fires the head coach. This time he is throwing a drink at fans. The Wolf of Wall Street has become the Toddler of Mint Street, so it seems.
  8. The Corral pick tells the story because we needed a QB and it was a bad QB class. However, they passed on Pickett, an NFL starter. Not great, but if you need a QB, that was the second year we passed on a QB that would become an NFL starter. The year before, we passed on 2 starters in the first round--admittedly, both are struggling, but the player we took (Horn) has had less production. OK, so we see Malik Willis get drafted and immediately hit the phones--all QBs should have been heavily scouted. We trade UP to get Corral, but why? What was the difference between Corral and Howell? I liked Purdy early in the draft research cycle, but I sorta forgot about him, and on a different team, I doubt he is Brock Purdy today. But he was then and is now better than Matt Corral. So why trade up? Howell was drafted 2 round later, and Purdy, 2 rounds after Howell. I guess we should not be that worried about losing the first overall pick this year because our GM would probably draft Slim Pinkerton, holder on kickoffs when the wind is blowing.
  9. Perhaps, but when I see him fail, it is because he drops his head (lunges) forward and any NFL DE/OLB knows that takes away balance and lateral movement abilities. Campen is to blame, but if it is not Campen's fault, it is the fault of Fitterer: FIRST ROUND, 2021: Horn FIRST ROUND, 2022: Ekwonu FIRST ROUND, 2023: Young Mingo (Hard to gauge him yet since the OL and QB play has been abysmal, but I am seeing too many drops--at least early on) Corral (OK, third round, I get it. But there are 2 starting QBs in the NFL who were drafted after we traded up to get him) Free Agency (I am seeing a pattern here. They were products of the system. Fool's gold. Fitterer loaded up when other teams were passing. Fitterer taking players from good offenses and expecting the same results here, at least in terms of salary.) Sanders Hurst Anderson (Might want to Google that one) Chark (flashes, but good WRs step up and make plays--he drops passes) McCray (supposedly solid depth, but what the hell does Campen do all day?--I have seen no growth from the young players and the older players get waived). The Training Staff/Ownership Injuries to our OL, Horn, Thompson, kicker on game days, Hurst, Shenault, Corners, etc etc etc. Let's bring in a soccer turf, Mr Tepper, so you can own 2 teams that suck and fire twice as many head coaches. Do our players stress stretching and rehabbing minor injuries? Hell, we aren't that good when healthy, but if you take away two first round starters on the defense (Horn, Thompson) and then Shenault and your 2 starting guards on offense, you should look at your facilities and overall program to keep athletes healthy. Tepper should have thrown the drink in his own face, then tossed Fitterer at the fan.
  10. Yet Fitterer left the booth dry. Not sure Tepper understands the source of his frustration.
  11. There is no such thing as being accountable BEHIND THE SCENES. Accountability is not hidden from view--he may be licking his wounded ego, but that is another thing. Many think success has to do with superior intelligence, and that is only one variable. I have a doctorate, and people tell me, "You must be smart." I reply, "in one specific area of life, yes. But the process teaches you what it takes to be a real expert in one specific area of life, and that knowledge makes me realize what an idiot I am in the other areas."
  12. Sometimes an agent or GM may involve other teams to help set the market price--they are being used, in other words. If a GM senses that is the case, why would he get involved? Not defending Fitterer's non decisions when there are plenty of moves with his fingerprints on them that give me enough reason to want him gone. If he can't say no to Rhule or Tepper, we need a GM who can--if that is the case.
  13. It did seem that the light came on for Bryce--we need to see it for multiple games, but this gave me hope.
  14. He is not there yet, but he has the tools. Year 3 should be the tell. I think they asked too much of him, scheme wise--but there were times he simply got beat. Jury is out. I think he might make a good guard, but I also think we have to give him every opportunity to develop before kicking him inside--how long that is is debatable. It is going to be interesting to see what they do, but with so many (perhaps) bigger needs, I think he gets year 3 at LT by default if nothing else. I think the light will come on.
  15. There is probably a good reason. If the Raiders do not hire Pierce (there is some talk about Gruden II) I would want to hear his side of the story before making a decision. I am impressed with him. Brandon Parker is one of my son's friends from childhood (he was the ball boy for the team I coached around 2004-5) and he is a person of high character (NC AT). He thinks he is great, fwiw. According to a former player or two, Bienamy was given a lot of credit for Andy Reid's involvement. Others dispute this, but it is out there.
  16. He is playing with limited technique and doing OK--when he gets some technique, as you say, it should improve.
  17. I will just bullet some things that I saw that are very encouraging signs: 1. Tommy Tremble showed that he can be a starting TE. His routes were crisp, and we know what he can do as a blocker. It moved. 2. Our problems all year on the OL have been at G. G is an easy position to effectively address. Christensen, Corbett, and Zavala (potential is there) have been injured. I saw some fire from Cade Mays--it was as if the light came on a bit. 3. At T, Ickey needs some coaching---I thought Campen was going to be great--he has not been. Does that mean he is not an experienced coach? No, but it does mean that he is not a good fit in this system and he is probably not a good communicator with this particular group of players--and he has had some injuries, but I see Ickey's lack of development as a reason to let him go. 4. Moten will count $30m against the cap next season, and frankly, at 30 and playing RT, I do not see that happening. I think BC can play RT, and although he may not be quite as good, we could bring in a stud RG in free agency (I think Corbett is probably done?) and maybe a stud DL. 5. It takes most WRs a year or two to develop, so I am very bullish on Smith-Marsette and Mingo. We need Theilen in the slot for another season. Chark had a good game, but he needs 2 more before I give him a contract. We need a true #1. We need some depth on the OL, a RG, some coaching, and maybe another TE. That sounds like a lot, but if Tremble can step up and be a weapon at TE, if someone can teach Ekwonu some mechanics, if we can get a stud RG, and if we add an elite WR, I see the offense getting better. And we need a coach who can scheme to Bryce's skill set.
  18. If Bryce has 2 more good games, we will get a good coach to come here. No coach wants to go to a place without a good or potentially good QB.
  19. When most of you were trashing Bryce with more venom than a Forest Cobra, I compared the situation to Tua in Miami--crickets. I stand by that comparison. We were able to give Bryce time once we replaced Jensen with Jackson at RG. It is not that our WRs were not getting open as some announcers say, it was that there is a brief period after the break--the top of the route, that creates separation and then closes quickly. Pass rush that disallows the QB from throwing the ball at the right time makes the WRs seem to be covered because the QB was late--This is a positive step in the right direction--I really did not care about losing (as much as I cared about seeing our offense step up. Now do it 2 more times.
  20. the lack of a threatening TE is killing us. Chark on most teams is a role player, Theiland is a slot, and Mingo is a #3 or 4. Throw in the fact that our top 3 guards have been on IR most of the year, and it is what it is--Bryce may suck, but there is not much of an opportunity for him to succeed.
  21. Derrick Brown is the reason our D is stuffing the run. Best DT in franchise history, and that includes Kris Jenkins, who was very good. He plays more snaps, runs to the whistle, and draws double teams.
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