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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. Personally, I did not like the hire one bit. Prove me wrong, Danno.
  2. No, I get it 100%. I just see a situation like they had in Miami brewing. We are going to build the OL and the WR corps. I think Bryce is cerebral, and I think that worked against him last year. I think he had never faced adversity before, and he was overthinking it a lot. I think the first game he threw some early interceptions and he never fully recovered from that. I am way past thinking that he is going to be special, but in the history of the NFL, there are a ton of first overall pick QBs that never panned out, so I am not shocked--I simply want him to improve into a decent starting QB. I do believe he will become a smart QB--maybe like a Brees one day-best case scenario. Probably more of a Tua.
  3. I guess we could use the pistol. But yeah, I think you are right.
  4. Canales is playing the cards he is dealt. However, I do think he is going to make some of the Bryce Bashers on here eat some crow. MARK MY WORDS!!! I bet you didn't mark them. MARK THEM!!!
  5. Not me. His problems are technique and confidence. When the light comes on, he will be good. He was not as bad as people here made him out to be--even as the 2023 LT, he was probably the second best OL He has a lotta work to do. If we add to the roster, it would be interesting to see us add a LG and make BC a swing T who can play G.
  6. 90% of great RBs hit the wall at 27. He is 30. he has taken a beating. No thanks
  7. It would be nice, but we have to be very careful. This is not about rewarding a player for his performance in another city--it is about paying for future performance. If he "breaks the bank" then you are paying him on the top end of the scale, expecting his play to be top end of the scale. If his play drops off--you are screwed.
  8. I might get shelled for this, but Ekwonu was not developed and he has the skill set. Brady C has the athletic ability. If ever there was a time to say, "The answer might be on the roster," it could be now. Unknown commodities do not necessary mean an upgrade. I say get a damn coach in here instead of that mole that used to make out with footballs.
  9. Brown doesn't? You can take the emotional approach and I would agree, but in the era of salary cap moves, which is the point of the thread, you may not be able to keep what you want. I do think, however, if we cut the entire bottom half of our roster, most would not be signed to other teams.
  10. It is my opinion that if people didn't read the thread title, click on the link, and then comment about how tired they are tired (or will be) of responding to that thread topic then there is an option that you may not have yet considered.
  11. It seems that we need to pin Dan down and a bit an have operationalize his definition of "Dawg" into a quantifiable term.
  12. I am expecting to see one or two of the following moves: Tag and trade Burns. In a contract year, he was not great. Is he a one-trick pony? A luxury for a ring chasing team. Trade Theilen. Hard sell because the draft is so loaded, but there are teams who could use a third WR who can grab 100 balls. Pay Brown top DT money. He is versatile, great, and he never leaves the field. Worth 1.5 salaries. Luvu gets a raise -he is a good LB-- but he is not great.
  13. Fair point. I looked for the list and it is hard to compare, but I am not sure we should overpay. In the past few years, there have been some bargains in free agency. With this cap raise, I have no idea how the market will react. I would not overpay for Burns, but I am not dismissing him either. He is what, 24 or 25? Lotta upside. I'd pay $25m. Why would I make Brown one of the highest paid DTs in the NFL? He is good, and he never comes off the field. That is a roster spot he is saving, salary wise. Luvu? Everyone loves his story, but in the NFL, he is not elite. I would love to keep him. So I do not see how resigning all three "rights the ship." It will be interesting to see what they do.
  14. Either way, we have to have a pass rush. He is a high character guy. This reminds me of Peppers before he left, only Peppers was better.
  15. I am thinking that his agent threw the $30 m out there to begin talks. I am sure he knows that Burns will not get that on the open market. I think he will sign (here or somewhere else) for about $24-26m
  16. Well, I am not sure that paying our best players from a 2-15 team is going to right the ship. However, we have a bad roster with some very good players at the top. That cap money spends in free agency as well. In my opinion, Luvu could walk to chase that big payday. He is good, but he was good at his salary. Is he elite? Not in my opinion. If he is cheap, pay him. Burns is more likely to be tagged or traded. Brown needs top DT dollars.
  17. I was going to suggest this guy, but he just signed with the Hurricanes as the newest goalie.
  18. Neither is Moton, but his cap figure will be $30m for the next two years. I wonder if Burns isn't looking at the guy he probably beats in practice quite often who plays a position (RT) that is not as valued as a premier OLB Edge Rusher. Regardless, neither is worth 30m
  19. I said after the Morgan-Canales presser that I was impressed with Canales, not Morgan. That comment scared me, frankly. I keep referencing a comment I heard a defensive backs coach say to the team when I played in college--(paraphrasing) when we (offense, I was a tight end) were eating their lunch at practice: "I don't care if you run a 4.4 40 if it takes you a fifth of a second longer to process the play than some guy who runs a 4.6. I want smart football players." He later explained the comment to a friend of mine who was a GA coach at the time. "Rarely are you running 4.4 40s on a football field, but you should always be thinking. Most of the better athletes never really had to compete with anyone when they were younger--success came easy. The kid who has to use his mind is prepared, and frankly, makes fewer mental mistakes. Eventually the good athletes rise to a point where they are not more physically gifted, and they have been flat lining for some time. Meanwhile the kid who studies the game becomes more cunning, and soon he knows what the good athletes are going to do before they do." I expected Morgan to take off his shirt barking. On the other hand, I used to teach in the high school where Brandon Beane was the QB back in the day. He and I used to get our cars inspected at the same station on the last day of the month. It was when he was working under Marty H. I was not that impressed--nice guy, but I never saw him as a "football mind." I'd take him back in a minute.
  20. Preacher -- choir Fully agree I think we have GMs that see a player that they feel dropped and think they are grabbing a bargain. No, they drop because their scouting departments and GMs saw something. I recall Clausen--Minnesota and KC needed QBs that year, and some crackheads had Clausen as a top 15 pick. I remember Hurney taking Clausen after KC and Minnesota passed on him---in the second round. In fact, he tried to trade up to #33 to get JC, offering a first rounder the following year plus other picks. This franchise is only as good as its front office. Mr Brass Balls needs to get another desk ornament, maybe this time a brain paper weight.
  21. Not that I disagree, but when I see a nobody making bold statements at this time of year, he is just trying for clicks. Nothing here to talk about.
  22. I think so However, and I hate to use an isolated situation as evidence for all others, but Thomas Davis had three pretty early in his career, and was pretty healthy after that.
  23. On a side note, Brown was a 7th round selection. We should have a team of scouts focused the bottom feeders. We need to start thinking about 2025 and beyond on day 3....
  24. I agree with him about Corley---we NEED a YAC guy. I agree with Verge about Washington from UVA, but I would want him around the late third early fourth. Do not go to sleep on CMC's little brother at Rice--the type of guy who gets better with age and stays in the NFL for 40 years. Not sure about his skill set, but his hands look good. Bloodlines alone worth a flyer on him.
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