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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. This is what I need to hear--I have only seen his highlights. Good players in the NFL rarely play on 3 teams before they turn 25. I would not pay him much, and I would keep him on a short leash.
  2. Exactly. When you are building a team, attitude is very important, and if you bring a turd into your locker room, it could have a negative impact on a lot of players. People forget, you go through adversity and it is very competitive. Attitude is everything.
  3. Did not say he would--He has not earned anything but a lowball contract. I just would not pay him more--someone might, but I would not. If you pay a half-asser more than most of the players at his position, it would send a negative message. I look at the player's impact on others. He is a bigger name,and he will influence a locker room--not gonna pay to have cancer. He probably needs to be on a team with some veterans who can take him under their wings--we won't have that
  4. My view? If he is cheap, why not? He is 24, will get 9-10 sacks, and we would have paid $25m for that. We can't fill all the holes this year. Do I expect much? No, but when I was 24.... If they give him $20m, NO. If they give him $2-4 m, maybe.
  5. Devil's advocate--imagine if you were his agent. He is 24, has been injured. Has all the tools. Needs a prove it deal. Great opportunity in Carolina and I doubt you can fill all your holes. His goal, on a small one-year contract is to get more sacks that Burns in NY, more pressures, and more tackles.
  6. I think the best move is to wait for cuts and sign a player who is cut from a roster when they are cutting to 53. There is usually a gem or two--trying to sneak them to a practice squad. Look for people on rosters converting from 3-4 to 4-3 This is what wiping Fitterer's ass feels like, people. He shat himself rather frequently.
  7. Chase has the Clowny disease--wants the team to pay him for lifetime achievement.
  8. I d rather draft a guy and develop Barno, Johnson, and Leota.
  9. It is really not about seeing over the linemen as much as it is giving you the ability and confidence to step up--if pressure is coming from the outside, a QB can step up. and it really doesnt disrupt the timing as much as having to bail out. Protection improves the timing, and timing increases the likelihood that the receiver will be open when the play is designed to get it to him. Most DBs are measured by the time it takes them to close the gap after the break. Bryce is a smart kid, and when he can focus on the secondary instead of the front 7, he will improve. No, he is not known for his height or arm strength. we shall see
  10. I heard some analysts talking about the ways new DC's are getting pressure on the QB and how it is confusing at first. Campen was old school and my impression of him is his attitude was "old school." I think there was disconnect as well. Campen was a terrible communicator. I have been blowing this horn for several months now. When I saw the video of two players watching Campen kiss footballs, it came off as if they were familiar with his antics, but saw him as a clownish character. Then I head he was a snitch to tepper. Everywhere I have been, a "snitch" is usually someone who attempts to make himself valuable in ways othr than doing his job.
  11. Folks, I do not know a lot, but I was an OL coach and i look for technique improvement when I watch videos or film. Ickey was not coached. Campen was absolutely horrible. Ickey has the tools, he just needs to work on his feet, hands, and balance. The light will come on, I am 90% sure.
  12. Nope. She is not. She has a cavity in one of her molars and her taste in fashion is questionable. Her eyes are not 100% horizontally parallel--and that is a deal breaker for me.
  13. When the draft is LOADED at WR, why trade draft capital and pay $80m for him? I was not sure how I felt about it, but I am relieved, honestly. Pick #33 is very valuable. There are about 18 hours between picks 32 and 33, and a team has that long to present a package to move up. Many teams will have players on the board that fell to 33, and some will attempt to move up to grab that player at 33--we are in a position to get our guy at 39 have a mid second round pick, and an additional third rounder.
  14. They traded up and said they did so they could do their homework. This is what happens when you let a hedge fund manager and a former minor league baseball player make football decisions. I am not ready to throw in the towel on Bryce for these reasons, but I was pushing for Stroud until the end--I thought there was something I didnt see, and that my hate for Alabama and admiration for Ohio State was making me biased. 1. The job of the QB should not be to make you (as a member of the offense) look good. Your job is to make him look good. The OL made that very difficult. I have heard people say, "but he sucked when he was not under pressure." That is called "Trauma." Tell a veteran at Walmart that the avocados are not enemy grenades and it is OK to come out from under the banana table. It is real to him, and if you get sacked 4 times a game and are moved or hit another 12 times, it impacts your confidence. Bryce had never been the underdog and his OLines have always been better than the defense. 2. A WR, TE, or RB in a route is only open for a second. When you are dodging DL in your face, it throws off the timing, which is why there was never anyone open. When the timing is right, Bryce's ball came out with more crispness and velocity than when he was trying to wing it. 3. A cerebral QB is a good thing when things are going well, but when they fall apart, so does his mind. 4. They are following the model, inside out, back to front. C-G-C seems to be done, at least for now. They are going to work with Ekwonu's mechanics (since Campen was not successful doing so) and they will stick with Moton with BC, a very capable swing OT, behind both. We have others like Mays, Zavala who could be developed as reserves. We are good up front now, if all goes as planned. 5. Bryce did not have a TE to find on a consistent basis. Imagine Purdy without Kittle. Mahommes without Kelce. Bryce needs a good TE threat. So, does Stroud have a better arm and better size? Yes, he also had a better situation, but we are about to find out what we have.
  15. I think we all need to stop thinking of 2024 and start thinking about 2025. I want to see growth in 2024, but in 2025, we should be competitive if we are doing this right.
  16. Ridley is 5 years older than Higgins. I think Higgins is what we are going to do, because if the rebuild takes 3 years, he is 28 when we are ready to compete. We can draft a WR later in the draft--which is probably the plan since I have seen them interviewing and visiting WRs who might be there on day 3. I have mixed emotions about signing Higgins, but most of the experts think it is what the panthers should do--heck, if they are going to pay $$$$ to guards, a potential #1 WR should be a steal. I mean, there are WRs in this draft who are 24, so trading for a seasoned. proven veteran who is 25 might be the play. You have to look at our history of drafting WRs in the second round and later. In fact, the difference between first and second rounders in the NFL in terms of success is very slim. I found this article to be interesting: https://cheeseheadtv.com/blog/statistics-show-finding-a-pro-bowl-wr-is-more-likely-in-the-2nd-round-than-the-1st-252 So there is something to be said, especially in this draft, for drafting 2 WRs in round 2 instead of giving a 25 year old disgruntled WR $20m per in a trade. Get the 2 young WRs with first round grades at age 21 and develop them.
  17. Minnesota has #11 overall. I expect them to draft a QB if available--maybe McCarthy or Penix.
  18. I wish I got paid to suck. I do it for free. I need a new agent.
  19. It would be ideal to put Corbett as the swing G and C However, as a post june 1 cut, he would save $6m. So they could try him there and cut him if he does not win the starting job--letting the rookie and Mays hold it down.
  20. I know some of you will mock this (in your heads--I kinda did but then I thought about it) Mays has been moved around from position to position, school to school. I think they worked him at C some last year. In the SEC his senior year, he gave up 1 sack. I think there is potential there, if they would let him focus on Center. He is 24--and then i saw this on his wikipedia page---twilight zone stuff---lists him as a center. That is right--center. or for some of you, the "hiker" I am talking depth here. but he flashed a bit last season
  21. In and around 2010, the Saints were a very good team. They had a QB named "Brees" and he was considered rather short-- They build a stud OL in front of him, no players more costly and studly than Evans and Nicks--the Guards. I read an article about them, and Sean. Payton said, (paraphrasing)--Drew Brees is only effective if you keep the pressure to the outside--not up the middle. If outside, he learned to step up a little and deliver the ball. Brees did not have a rocket arm, but he had WRs like Colston, Dev. henderson, and Lance Moore to go with TEs Jimmy Graham and Shockey. I have a feeling this is the blueprint.
  22. One thing I can tell you, we are not in the locker room. Avero might have types and he might want to rebuild the D while the Offense rebuilds the OL and WR corps. We lost 5 starters on D so far, and I can make a case for each one, including Burns, to move on. luvu hurt the most It is called Kimestrie. Don't be stoopid.
  23. When the Waffle House paid their power bill. (Seriously, my wife has family from Rockingham and I make Rockingham jokes all the time--I showed this to her--you might want to lay low for a few weeks)
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