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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. ​When Jake came in for Peete--and never looked back.
  2. In the pictures of Williams, I hope they were working on run blocking drills. His weight is too far over his feet and his arms are not extended. Ask SCP about this, but it looks (from the still photos) as if he MIGHT be taking too long of a stride from his stance.
  3. I really like Razor's reference to him as a 6th OL. With our T situation, that position is huge. Ward is undoubtedly smart, and to be able to have him blow up LBs and stonewall DEs is something we have not had here since Hoover.
  4. ​I think he is a special team ace as well.
  5. This guy has not thought it through. If you are 2 scores down and the game is in its final minute, it is over. You have no opportunity to onside kick. Ask the Seahawks how important that is. Punting is one of the best plays in football. You can't take that away. It is part of field position strategy. The more you think about it, the dumber his comment gets.
  6. I remember how ticked I was when we drafted him. I wanted x, y, or z. we lost our 3rd rounder for him, etc. I need to stop acting like I can judge talent and how it fits here and just sit back during the draft, eat some popcorn, and celebrate Gettlemen.
  7. I guess a few weeks of rehab can fix a drinking problem, but it must take longer to fix being a self-centered prick. NFL players deal with this stuff all the time. Throwing objects and shoving a fan? Ridiculous.
  8. Another thing--this is probably why Cam has not signed a new deal yet. If I were his agent, I would not encourage him to enter his biggest contract negotiations after a year where he was hurt most of the time. If I were Gettlemen, I would not want to pay a man $23m per season until I had seen consistent play. If Cam has a great season, DG has no problem writing a check for $22-25m--he has been positioning the roster so he can do that. Both sides want 2015 to show them what the actually have in Cam Newton.
  9. The point you made that I find most interesting (and it makes perfect sense), was the connection between his foot injury to the high throws--pre and post surgery, it was a problem. High throws are all about the feet--not stepping into the throw, attempting to compensate for the lack of power with the arm alone. Accuracy always suffers. I connect that with the accuracy on the deep ball, something he has not had for a year or two. Hmmm. Now we have a stable full of burners who can get deep (Brown, Funchess, Ginn, Hill). The line has improved.
  10. ​If you look at his photo from last season on the team website, his eyes were off the ball in air. Here, the same thing. That seems to be his problem, but I can only assume.
  11. Back to the question--even if I think JJ is the best player in the NFL, and I do, I would take Cam all day long because he is a qb.
  12. Boykin and Brown are probably not competing against one another because the Panthers are looking for skill sets that give them different packages for different situations. Boykin is 6'2", 220. He catches the ball over the middle well. He blocks pretty well, and he (at Green Bay, at least) contributed to all 4 areas of special teams. Brown is not that player. We have our big WRs, who will play #1 and #2. #3 WR is where this team gets interesting. SPEED: Ginn, Brown, Hill and for you Gamecock fans, Byrd (so Brown is in competition with Hill, because nobody is cutting Ginn) POSSESSION: Boykin, Bersin, Cotchery (I doubt Cotchery gets cut, so I would say, for special teams purposes alone, Boykin makes the roster. It ain't this simple, but they will do something like this: ROSTER #1 Kelvin Benjamin (for now) #2 Devin Funchess #3 SPEED: Ted Ginn (Special teams returner first, speed WR second) #3 POSSESSION: Jerricho Cotchery (Veteran the coaches love) #4 SPEED: Philly Brown (I think they want Stephen Hill to beat him out) #4 POSSESSION: Jarrett Boykin (Special teams ability makes this easy)
  13. Boykin is very sneaky fast and he seems to catch the ball looking to run. Good observations.
  14. That will be the day that he realizes how directly related his level of performance was to his Seahawk defensive teammates.
  15. Gotta be the Rams double overtime game in the 2003 playoffs. They had been unbeaten at home for about 2 years. X-clown, touchdown. one of the best football games ever played.
  16. I think Oher will be a decent LT. I also think RT will be average to good. Our Guards will no longer be rookies. The OL? Better WR? Better. RB? Better. Special teams? Better. Defense? Better. The stars are aligned. Cam's floor is good enough for this team to make the playoffs. His ceiling is good enough to win the super bowl. I hope this is his year.
  17. There is proof, for those of you who do not read articles about it. Brady refused to share his texts, but the ball boys did. They were in dialogue about the air pressure. Like every other argument, the word "proof" suggests a legal process where the proof has to be undeniable to stick. Not the case here. If there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest that the normal and expected adherence to NFL rules and policy are being compromised, nuff said.
  18. This should be a contract we redo before the year starts.
  19. The worst part of it is, they copy one another's comments. People here do not like Mayock because he is wrong a good bit, but he puts it out there and he does not care what the others are saying. Clemmings, for example--he had as the top OT, even after he stunk up the SR bowl. I noticed that other "experts" elevated their opinions of Clemmings to a late first rounder. These guys, for the most part, are former players or writers. Some are GMs, but unemployed GMs (who are usually reluctant to rate players). I can tell you this, I was a former player (college) when I was hired to be an assistant coach. None of the staff played in college--some not even in high school. They schooled me on football--3 state titles later, I realized how much I learned from them. Later I got a call from an old friend who played with the Steelers who had just been hired to coach a struggling team in the area. They hired him because he had NFL experience. He wanted me to come help him. He also hired Dwight Hollier, a LB who played with the Dolphins and Colts for a decade. I care a lot about those guys, but it was amazing how little they knew about COACHING football. My point is this: Morons like us tend to assume people who played or are sports writers understand talent evaluation. They really don't. Each team has a system that requires certain skill sets at each position. Our definition of a LT is not the same as the Broncos, for example.
  20. Clean cut, intelligent, no tats. I wonder if JR had any say so in the matter.
  21. I played a hybrid DE/SS/OLB in high school, but never on purpose. Seriously, I was going to post something to the effect of his position's complexity, but I see you guys are all over it.
  22. I don't think so, but you never know. I am guessing the LBs will be as follows-- TDavis, Kuechly, Thompson Glanton, Mayo, Klein Blechen (my dark-horse candidate), Trusnik I doubt they keep 8 LBs, but they could keep 7. Blechen probably goes to PS, but if he does well, you could see Klein getting cut or traded. I see a three-way competition for 2 positions (Blechen, Glanton, Klein), assuming Trusnik makes it, and I expect that he will. Since we should no longer have Reddick and Jacobs as backups, you have to know we got stronger at LB this offseason.
  23. Yes, I would not read anything into it. In June 2007, I was new to this lowly forum, and I started a thread based on the 2007 rookies I saw at OTAs. Understand that it was one of the last days of OTAs, so you want to see who is clicking and who is not. I was very disappointed to report that Dwayne Jarrett was lost. He was jogging in routes, looking around as if he was lost. Steve Smith ripped him repeatedly. Jarrett just stood there with his hands on his hips, as if Smitty wasn't there. Beason looked great. I was watching him in a goal line drill right in front of me. I was behind the defense. He repeatedly beat the back to the hole. For the first time, I realized how instinctive and technically sound you really have to be to play LB. It would be hard enough if all you had to worry about was the run. He was small, but I thought he would be great. Back to Jarrett. I hoped he would get better, but that never really happened. If Shaq is having the same confusion at the end of OTAs, there might be reason for concern; however, I doubt Hurney put the players through the white board test like Gettlemen does.
  24. Thompson and Benwikere met to study the playbook Thursday night. So, that would suggest to me that he is a bit lost for the moment. It also suggests that Benwikere is awesome. “I was up pretty late with (cornerback) Bené (Benwikere) last night going over the playbook, just trying to get everything in so I can play fast,” (Black and Blue Review)
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