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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. My WR corps based on the first half tonight: Funchess Boykin Ginn Bersin I would run double tights a lot.
  2. Not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but Remmers is at LT and looking good.
  3. Let's have some Love for Matsko and the OL First, I want to say how refreshing it is to know that we have promise at the OT position. I tip my hat to Matsko (perhaps the position coaches need an award too)---he takes a bust, a Practice Squad player, a fourth-round rookie, and a former DT and turns makes them respectable at a very tough position to play for a big man. Norwell is one of my favorite players. It is hard not to have a soft spot for him. To put that into perspective, I was talking to an Ohio State Alumnus the other day, and he has season tickets. He knows every player on the team, who they are recruiting, assistant coaches etc. He sang Norwell's praises--was shocked that he was not drafted (we argued about it--he thought Norwell was a sure-fire fourth rounder) In addition to that, we have Remmers increasing his value and repping at C andTurner coming of age at RG. I see the stability forming. Just love me some Norwell, that is all I am saying.
  4. I ALWAYS read your posts, Dawg. I am glad you shared this. I love the line: "...It is imperative to take an unemotional global view." Great point. If the Huddle demonstrates anything, it is how hard that is to do.
  5. Wonder is Webb is the "or seven"(th) WR? Personally, I see the sixth WR as a player whose last name begins with "B" and played high school ball in Charlotte. However, what if the sixth WR is Webb? If we had Benjamin, Funchess, Brown, Cotchery, and Ginn, do we really need a sixth WR with no special teams ability? (To the best of my knowledge, Byrd--who I have on the PS, Bersin, and Boykin are all void of special teams talent.) Then again, I keep hearing that Bersin has a strong shot.
  6. Nobody blasted him. Again, I mentioned that it was careless, and said, "no biggie" (exact words). To help you---Hit quote, and then scroll down below the box with the quote in it and reply. You are probably typing in the quotation box, which probably eliminates the quote. hope that helps.
  7. Cam is fan friendly--- Jake was unique.
  8. I got a bit upset with Shula last year, but there is a point where you realize how bad the offense was at the beginning of the season. Bell--Gone Silatolu--Bench Scott--Bench Chandler--Bench D Williams---gone ----We have upgraded half the offense from the beginning of 2014 and we drafted Funchess, Artis-Payne, and OT Williams. I am guessing that we will become much faster (Ginn, Byrd) Special Teams will give us better field position. I also think the D is better. Last year, if you bitched about Shula all year and let the Special Teams coach slide, you don't get football. He now has weapons. He now has a decent OL. Let's see what he can do.
  9. I get it, which is why I embedded "no biggie" in the text. However, he knows people follow him--I am a former journalist, so I know this--there is something called "accountability" and if you attach your name to fragmented or misinformation, it can hurt your credibility. So if you or I were to make a mistake like that, no big deal. But if a journalist who knows he is being followed is careless, regardless of the format, he loses credibility. Since the topic was insignificant, it is no big deal. However, if he made a mistake about the Panthers on Twitter, and it caused you or someone to get upset, you can't say, "Oh well, it was a tweet." His rep is at stake.
  10. If the Panthers can find one solid OT, they can help the other side.
  11. A journalist should know better---no biggie, BUT--that is like saying "The President" while leaving "of my college fraternity" out of the text.
  12. Objection: Another example of SC taking credit for NC accomplishments--like Stonewall Jackson's birthplace, Carowinds, and Fish Camps. http://www.learnnc.org/lp/editions/nchist-worldwar/5899 Winston-Salem is the home of the original KK. What else did they teach you at Wofford?
  13. You should understand that the anxiety over LT is due to watching football LAST year, so the second question's answer is "no.'" Secondly, the coaching staff looking at other option IS the reason many are excited--nobody claiming Williams to be the Left Messiah.
  14. Here is the question: Would Oher have done equally well, better, or worse? Tomorrow, if I were coach, I would have Oher go against Ealy for 7 plays. This is exciting. I am pumped. And for those who are saying, "People, it was only seven plays--keep it in perspective." We are watching plays from camp and trying to determine how good this team will be. Nuggets and pieces is all we get. But the exciting part is the fact that we might have a LT in the works behind Oher. This alone is reason for excitement. No apologies needed.
  15. While I am all in supporting Ealy, the Panther who is set to have the breakout season at DE is...... .....Mario Addison. With Ealy still developing, and i question that he will ever become a starting DE with 10 sacks per season, I still feel good about Addison and Alexander. That is not to say that we don't need Ealy, but it is to say that we have potential options.
  17. Chandler drops his head--if you know OL play, that is a cardinal sin. Cut him.
  18. When I read that he said "6 or 7" Byrd was the first person (and only person) who came to mind. Byrd is explosive. Instead of thinking, "Who is #1 WR, who is the #2, who is the slot..." start thinking "Who will be the most effective WR group vs. this particular group of DBs, who will be the best vs. the next team...etc." Byrd gives this team a group of smallish speedsters (Byrd, Ginn, Brown) and a group of taller targets (KB, Funchess, Bersin) and a veteran possession guy (Cotchery). Man, there are a lot of combinations possible. Byrd may be groomed to return kicks/punts too. Wonder how he would be as a gunner? Etc etc etc. Rivera's comment tells us everything about his mindset. Good stuff, Jeremy.
  19. Gooby--if you want to be a dick, go troll the board of a team you do NOT like. Back to the topic--Oher may have a mental issue--it could be that he lacks intensity, which could explain the lazy feet. I doubt a T who has played football for most of his life on the highest levels is a quick fix if lazy feet are the issue. IF that is the case, and IF he responds well to Matsko, then give Matsko time to do his thing. Now I want to defend Oher by listing possibilities for a slow start (by no means am I suggesting these are the reasons--they are possible reasons) : 1. He is learning a new system. Oher is a bit slow. Sure, he was beaten in 1-on-1 drills, but some people are timid and reserved until they get comfortable. 2. Some people are not practice players, but they pick it up in games. 3. Maybe he is not in the best shape. hard for a 330 lb man to prepare for 95 degrees in Spartanburg 4. The drill he was burned in gives the advantage to the defensive player. Here is why: They have no run responsibility--they pin their ears back and go. Most DEs win a 1-on-1 situation when they can pin their ears back. 5. He is shy but is always under the microscope due to the movie. Everyone expects a Disney ending, and he is not that player. If you want to know what I suspect: I think Oher's problems are mostly mental.
  20. Let's look at the landscape: Who is our blocking TE? (A: A hybrid TE/FB?) Who is our FB? (A: A hybrid FB/RB?) Who is our LT? (A: Below average in pass protection) I say Ward is a good fit because he can stonewall LBs in pass protection, lead block for runners, and help inferior OTs block DEs. He can catch passes and play special teams. He is the closest thing we have had to Brad Hoover since Fiametta. I say he wins a job, but here is the good news: If he is put on the PS, how many teams use a FB now? He should be fairly safe.
  21. When I played college ball, that was the biggest "No-no" one could do at practice. You were to meet with that position coach after practice, which meant that you would do "belly busters" (sprints where you dive on your belly every 10 yards) until you have vomit spewing from your face mask. And that is NOT an exaggeration. But what was fun was the rivalry between the offense and defense. It was real. I was offense, and most all of my friends were too. The only time we seemed to like each other was game day. I imagine KB was joking because it does not seem to be that way in the pros, but he must have experienced it before to know it was taboo. I never realized other teams had that "rule" until now.
  22. Now lets talk about the importance of a Norwell or Ward or a Tolbert or a Brockel. If Oher knows a G, FB or HBack has B gap should the End stunt inside, he can concentrate (lean) to the outside. If the DE spins inside, he jams him to stall his momentum and lets him go, looking for a LB, DB, or even DT to come up and rush around the end. We are all assuming that Oher will be given man blocking assignments, when drop back pass protection requires zone. Translation? OK if Alexander could have done a spin move inside. If Alexander was rushing C gap, he takes himself out of the play by spinning into B and gets yelled at--even if rushing--they have lanes. Have 2 guys rush cam through B gap and see how far he runs around the end. When it appears that a DE spins and changes gap in a game, it is because he set up the T to think he was going C and instead stunted to B. Oher is not going to be great, but he is going to be fine. It bothers me that we have Chandler behind him, when Chandler couldn't beat out Bell for LT last year, but I expect Remmers to be the backup once Williams is ready.
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