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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. As I said, the podcast doc said up to 480,000 by his calculations. He had charts and graphs---can't argue with charts and graphs. Agian, not sure if it was globally or nationally--but since he was comparing the numbers to the flu--I am guessing high end of the US. A doctor/expert on one news channel (I watch them all, unlike some) said that he could see 150,000,000 people in the US diagnosed with the virus. If true, and the mortality rate is (making this up) 1/50th of that number, that still means 3 million---a bit higher that 30,000 flu deaths per year. I doubt nearly half the nation contracts the virus, however. I think that was a bit Chicken Little
  2. Good advice. As a school administrator in Charlotte, we had to lock down the school like four times in about a six week period because gunmen had robbed this bank near our campus. Apparently the bank got the rep of having lax security--so every thug in a 500-mile radius started trying to rob it. It got so bad, the police replaced the security guard with a real cop. At any rate, the lockdown interrupts instruction and terrifies parents and children. After the fourth lockdown, I was visited by what we called the CMS "pacing police" who were concerned that we were a week behind Ballyentine (sp?) schools, where they had just visited. We were on the East side. I explained the lockdowns, etc. and they refused to accept it as a legitimate excuse. I asked them if they had ever been through one. They said they had "done the drills." I asked them to leave campus and come back when they have been properly trained to be telling me how to do my job. They did. I got a phone call---took another job a few weeks later. The point? Never trust leaders to understand or feel empathy for what you are going through. Do not listen to the noise. Be smart and take care of your own.
  3. I do not think so---who is to say what is rational or irrational right now? One minute, I feel as if I am overreacting, the next minute, I am worried that I do not have enough hand sanitizer.
  4. The irony is--this effects the top 1% (probability) more that the bottom 99%. At least in terms of contamination. Treatment advantages probably go to the rich guys. Jet setters, world travelers, hosting large, international events....odds are more likely. I am just glad they don't have a coronacomputervirus.
  5. No you dont. Sounds like a "save face" move because they were hammered for this exclusion---inconsistent. He has attempted to ban nations and nationalities that pose a much lesser threat to this nation. The numbers were there- similar to ours-they had no argument.
  6. I was going to make the point about populations of each...However, in fairness to Italy, they could not learn from other countries (even China at that time) before this thing was on them--we have learned from Italy--I hope.
  7. Did not see that--was the reason they were excluded (and now included) ever rationalized?
  8. We have the benefit of hindsight and observation of countries that are ahead of us--so to compare is probably not really fair. Here is an interesting article about Italy being "ground zero" in Europe: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/coronavirus-italy
  9. That sounds horrible. It is called "vicarious trauma." The guy I was watching also said that closing schools: 37% of nurses have children in school....what are they going to do with them? I watched my grandmother die by sitting with her, holding her hand, as fluid filled her lungs. It was 2 days before Christmas. When I think of Christmas now---that image is one of the first I get. It is traumatizing.
  10. I watched a podcast last night where an infectious disease specialist / doctor/ Professor at Minnesota predicted, when asked to compare this to the flu (30,000 deaths per year) that the virus would kill around 480,000. Not sure if he meant world wide or nationally--but he was not referring to global stats in any other part of the conversation. He said it is just beginning.
  11. So the travel ban is a good thing? The UK has cases, and they also have Trump resorts. Why were they excluded? If you can explain that logic, I will appreciate it. The travel ban does as much to prevent the spreading of the virus as building a wall helps reduce crime. The travel ban, if the answer, should have been implemented weeks ago if there was any evidence it works. That is when Trump--the real senile old fool--was telling America that the Coronavirus is a Democrat hoax. Trump refused to reassemble the committee that protects the US from infectious diseases like this when he ran them off in 2018. He refused to re-staff the committee when it was proposed in a bipartisan effort in November of last year. He did nothing. So tell me again about senile old fools--I am waiting.
  12. and how would you be sure of that? Only 1 side is leading and can control the rhetoric. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years. In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. The white house did nothing. Pence got the call. Not to worry, Jared is researching this and will be back with some answers. If you think that is a 50/50 situation, enjoy the radiance from the gas lighting, Sorry, I should stay focused on football--but many of us are getting tired of Trumpers trying to force their nonsense on those of us who have him figured out--and it wasnt that hard and did not take that long to do.
  13. I just don't get it--we have access to 1000 times more information (at our fingertips) than we had 40 years ago---but in many ways, people are dumber. Perhaps we need to teach critical thinking more in school, because facts are based on emotion and personal preferences.
  14. NBA is suspending the season.
  15. Hard to tell who watches Fox News. The only people in the world trying to politicize a global virus so that the world will not know that Trump is an idiot. Be safe regardless.
  16. Put Motown out there---he can wiff for a lot less money.
  17. I agree with all of your posts until this one. Prediction: Dickson gets cut after last preseason game.
  18. I agree with all of your posts until this one. Prediction: Dickson gets cut after last preseason game.
  19. I know-he just seems to be one of the Rivera-type players--like Harper was--frankly, I think it would benefit the offense more if we replaced him with Byrd.
  20. Jeremy, Did you find this easier to do than in the past? To me, we are going to leave a lot of good players out there for other teams. If Hill makes the roster, do not be surprised in Garrett does not suffer a season-ending injury. I think the TE position is going to change--We want one that can block (Since the super bowl was not enough motivation for Dickson) and we want one that can play from the backfield. Do not be surprised to see Dickson cut.
  21. I like the fact that you are defending a player, and Bersin is all that you say he is--the point I make is that he a bubble player and that is all he will ever be--his upside is now, IMO. However, to me, the game seems too big for him at times. But I think,, if we had a WR corps with little Steve Smiths and Philly Browns, he would have a place. How does he stack up to the WR corps that is 6'3" or bigger and does much of what Bersin does? That is Garret's issue as well. He will have to beat out someone and may not be the best fit. Hate? Not really. Subjective analysis based on opinion? Yes.
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