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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. I do not place a lot of stock at the SR Bowl, but he completed 56% of his passes and that was without blitzing etc. It was the perfect stage for him to showcase his talent, and he has talent, he just has not put it all together yet. He is a project, so he should be picked by a team with an established starter to groom.
  2. I agree. Britt was looking like an Undrafted FA, but this game may have helped him. I heard Paddy was a step slow. Felton would be a solid replacement for CS. I think this is a great draft for finding gems at G late---I want C Creed H. or Myers (who could play G while Paradis ends his career here in 2021). I did not see Dillion R, but this draft after Sewell is looking solid for second rounder LTs. I did not see either, but want to--just forwarding what some site said about the players for the most part.
  3. #2?, but yeah. When I saw the Jets name, it was like tipping your hand at the poker table. Everyone is now folding or all in.
  4. No diatribe intended, and I do not see where anyone could have interpreted an analysis of the QB scenarios to be one.
  5. PLEASE folks--- There is nothing more exciting that an epiphany that solves a seemingly impossible problem, but please think it through before deciding said epiphany is thread worthy.
  6. If the Panthers have an open mind, they can sit there at #8 and wait to see how the first 3-4 picks go--if they see 3 go off the board by Atlanta, they have to move up with Cincinnati--who will probably take Sewell if he is on the board or they will have many trade offers. We have to understand the leverage we have in voting close to them, and make a convincing offer. Let's say Miami takes Sewell, then the Panthers will have to sell the fact that they can reunite Burrow with Chase--knowing he or Smith will be there at #8. AJ Green is getting a bit old. So the Panthers will have to be generous, but not too generous, because if the Bengals cant get the best LT to come out in years, they can get one of the 2 best WRs to come out in some time--if they fall too far back they do not get the most elite players at either LT or WR. If Sewell is on the board when the Bengals go on the clock, I call Philly.
  7. i have had the same thought--just depends on what they want in a qb.
  8. That is about what it will take. Having seen that, I am on board with trading down with Cincinnati and targeting Fields or Lance. I want to see if Rhule talks about Jones any more after last week. I think he is the "last resort" or he was talking up Jones to get someone to leapfrog Lance? So much liar's poker going on.... We need Verge to get us some insider info. We can call our web of insider information VAnon. Then if we do not get who we want we can storm BOA Stadium before the contract has been ratified. All original ideas.
  9. that would save us about $8m for 2022 and create dead cap of $15m. Not sure--he may need to play a few games before Lance or Jones is ready
  10. I agree, but I see this year as being different--for example, I read a Colts site and they are rumored to be targeting Fields. I think the Panthers might move up. Denver, SF--a lot depends of free agency. I think some teams (like the Panthers) prefer an unknown commodity over the known commodities that they have or will be available in free agency. Gonna be interesting to see how it plays out.
  11. I would expect him to sit and hope that TB would play well as long as he could.
  12. Well, I see this point because of the contract, but Goff's numbers in LA were more respectable than people realize (bad in 2020) for most of his time there---at his age, I think we are a bit premature in writing him off as a value only to the Rams for ridding him of the contract. It was the only way it happened--I get that--but the Lions will probably start Goff. The Lions are not looking at Goff as a worthless pile of debt--they will try to give him an opportunity, as they should. For his career, Career (2016-2020) 63.4% completion (66%) 18,171 yards (17,634) 107 TDs (106) 55 Interceptions (40) 91.5 QB rating (97.3) In parentheses, I posted Prescott's numbers in Dallas--he was drafted in 2016 as well. Prescott is waiting to be paid as a top QB, and he is not being questioned as the starter in Dallas. Yet Goff's numbers are similar--and Dak's OL and running game was top drawer. Goff is more than baggage to the Lions, but the Lions were smart to get a first rounder to take a quality starting QB who is only 26. If Detroit protects him and gets him some weapons, it could really end up like the Hershel Walker trade that built the Cowboy's dynasty in the 90s. Or he could be a bust and that was that. Personally, I think the Lions raped the Rams and they thanked them for it.
  13. He does not have #8 value, but if their is a feeding frenzy, he could go off the board if there is a run. I would certainly expect him to be gone by mid first round, and that is reaching.
  14. Perhaps I read thread titles too literally, but you had me at "weird but"
  15. We are going to draft one of five QBs, not four, and Jones could be the guy. We are not leaving the first round without a QB--- I see us moving up with NYJ, Miami, or Cincinnati, depending on who we want. We are going to be aggressive, and sitting on #8 is not aggressive. If Stafford is drawing a starting QB, 2 firsts and a third, giving up a future first is not unreasonable.
  16. I think we have too many needs and we have a decent backup right now. Not sure what message it sends your first rounder-
  17. Exactly. There is going to be some QB musical chairs. Garrappolo to New England, for example, is a rumor.
  18. I would guess that there is a below 10% chance Bridgewater will be the QB...I would say they will try to trade him (part of the trade up package). Someone will appreciate a veteran backup behind a young stud--probably can't be here.
  19. One year removed from Cam, but four years removed from Cam's last good season (2017). Until we released him, however, we were functioning on false hope. MARK THESE WORDS: Panthers will trade up with the Jets or the Bengals and get a QB.
  20. Based on what? The Stafford trade? That probably helps the Panthers get a new QB.
  21. I would too. We might get a fifth rounder as well, if you go by point values, but I would not count on it until the QBs are gone. Remember, our new GM said there is not a lot of difference between 18 and 40. 40 is our second rounder-- I have been trying to get momentum for packaging a player in with the deal as well--ridding us of a contract--and the player I would deal that they could use is Shaq Thompson.
  22. I appreciate considering all perspectives--and this is probably not an option, but a default fall back. About the Jets--Saleh has made comments that suggest he is going to give Darnold a running game and some weapons. He is not ready to get rid of a 24-year old QB. They may trade back. They need picks, with needs all over the place (2 WRs, 2-3 OL, TE) if they want to get a good look at Darnold. There are not many teams that need a QB within reach of the #2 pick--we are probably looking at Top 10 draft picks. Personally, I think the Jets trade back, to around 8-10 and grab a WR. Let's just leave it there and analyze the competition for the Jets #2 overall pick. So what QB-needy teams are capable of moving up within reason? The Dolphins, but they probably do not take a QB, but they may trade out---who cares if we are looking at the Jets. The Falcons? It makes sense for them (with so many needs) to avoid trading up. They have Ryan and can draft a player more developmental. The Bengals don't need a QB. The Eagles (#6) could move up for a QB--but that would mean giving up on 2 Philly QBs. Not going to do it. The Lions will give Goff a chance before moving on. The would be in position to move up for a QB, but why do it this year when you can give Goff a chance and you have the picks to move up in 2022? I think they address other needs. So if the Panthers want to avoid all of the risk of being leapfrogged for a QB, and there is a particular QB they seek, I see them giving up #8 #40 and the first rounder in 2022 to move up. OR they really like Fields, Lance, and Jones, and they will just sit at #8 to see if one or both drop to them.
  23. I predict that there will not be much difference between Lance and Jones. Lawrence: Top pick Wilson: Top 3 pick Fields: Top 5 pick Lance: Top 10 pick Jones: Top 15 pick.
  24. I am wrong about the draft (when a few years have passed) that I do not pretend to know more than the team scouts. I was wrong about Cam, Luke, CMC. Right about Thomas Davis (good pick--I defended him) and Kelvin Benjamin.
  25. If there are no trades, then maybe. Who can afford to move up to the top 4? A team at #7-12 or so. The Jets, Dolphins, Falcons, Bengals, Eagles, and maybe even the Lions could trade out-giving a QB starved team the slot.
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