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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. I know about Lonnie--did not see how we'd activate a ninth CB Week 1--he is listed as a S in other places--so I guessed. Tarron was a mistake--I put him in the wrong column. TY Forgot about Crumedy. I update this after free agency, draft, and cuts just to see the off season. You are right--it is a work in progress.
  2. Trying to keep up....this format helps me see the roster, so I thought I would share--subject to change, obviously. OFFENSE
  3. some of these signings are a bit scary. Overkill?
  4. When they got Kingston I figured it made Brooks vulnerable.
  5. Coker's final response:
  6. averages about 2.5 sacks per year over 7 year career--w 7.5 in 2021. First round bust
  7. seems like such a good kid--very positive. Of course, you never know who you are talking to, but the posts before this on the thread I was on about him seemed genuine. Too emotional and heartfelt. Consistent with how someone might react during the most stressful hours of his life--humble and very positive. Told him that he has a big following in the fan base and we know the talent pretty well. We are cheering for you. I guess that is why he PM'd me.
  8. the thought of taking a Panther reject must be stigmatizing.
  9. I looked and could not find too many options. Fitterrerer er was terrible.
  10. My response: "Told you."
  11. My communications with Coker--until an hour ago:
  12. We have not been "kicking the can down the road." Moton can be extended / restructured and it would save us enough to get the debt back in the black. I would like to keep him till he is 33 or so--I think he is 30 now.
  13. So Coker responded to my outreach for info--wishing him luck and explaining his support:
  14. Not sure what to make of this FB post under a Jalen Coker thread.
  15. I heard that they cannot announce until 4. Maybe he knows now and we will find out at 4. I am not sure about any of this, but it is a very positive sign.
  16. Nothing confirmed yet, but it sure seems legit. I stumbled across this. He would know before us---and this sounds like a person who is back in the fold.
  17. Jamal Coker is Jalen Coker, by the way--at least that seems to be the case.
  18. I am like, "How are you putting a hand on each of my shoulders?" This was interesting--I am behind on my updates, but on Facebook, there was a thread about Jalen Coker being waived---then there was this comment (Jamal might be a relative?):
  19. That is why my colon man has a drive thru window. Seriously, I joke to help me deal with the shame of it all. True story---I am like, "Doc? Is that a West Point ring? Do you mind putting that in the drawer until you are finished?" Doc: "I don't use that finger. I use these two."
  20. Kingston is wearing #69. When I see that number, I remember how the linemen in college would try to get it. Before a film session and pictures in college a player on my team from Philly was bragging about getting #69. A coach was walking through and asked him, "Why would anyone brag about being labeled with 69 on an all-male team?" I still laugh at that because all the joy and cockiness drained from his face as he considered the number from an entirely different perspective.
  21. my question is always, "Is this necessary or recreational?" It helps me choose my outfit.
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