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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. Now I didn't say I don't load them up with butter. Don't tell my doctor.
  2. Name alone doesn't impress me. All I've seen him do is run.
  3. I have to eat those things for health reasons and I feel violated.
  4. I don't think you have a choice what nickname you are given. It could be worse.
  5. I know 1 thing, if we had Houstons defense we would be in the playoffs.
  6. I wish we had Hustons defense.
  7. Texas uses him like Taysem Hill anytime they put him in the game. I'm not sure what the hype is all about.
  8. If the sign a bunch of FA'S they will get nothing.
  9. There may be 3 taken but I don't who the other 2 are outside of Ward. It's a bad draft to need a qb.
  10. Looks like Cleveland will for sure be taking a qb.
  11. My philosophy has always been that you should only draft QB, LT or edge rusher inside the top 10. The reason being is that you are most likely drafting that high because you lack one or more of those positions. Now I know availability of those positions in any particular draft can be problematic especially they talent available. In our case this season I would rate edge rusher is number 1 on our list. The other two will vary depending on who you ask. I think they are OK for next year.
  12. Deshaun Watson had Achilles surgery. I wonder if Cleveland feels like they got their money's worth out of that deal?
  13. This^. I'm glad he finally started playing how he's capable of playing. He's got to be consistent with his game over a full season before I'm convinced he can be the answer at qb for a while. Now it's up to Canales to design an offense that takes advantage of what he does best. He and Dan will have to finish building a team around him as well. I do believe they can win with him.
  14. 4yr $18M per sounds fair. Quibble over the guaranteed money if they want.
  15. My friend started to drink pretty heavy and run around with a bad crowd of people. It ended up costing his marriage and his legs.
  16. I'm not against throwing a draft pick a possible upgrade if there's one available in the draft. Especially center or tackle.
  17. He was thinner when he served. That was his weight when I met him. He had been out about 10 years when I met him. He was not in a good place and was a scary man.
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