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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. I never predicted how any of these guys will turn out. Show one post of mine claiming otherwise. The only thing if said about these prospects is that I would not trade up for any of them. I don't care which one if any they pick at 8. I just hope whatever they do it works out and doesn't end up another failed attempt at building a consistent winner. I'm sick of mediocrity myself.
  2. Maybe you should get a job for the team evaluating QB's since you are an expert?
  3. You mean if they get the qb you want. Maybe the one they want is not in the first round. Ever thought of that?
  4. Resist the temptation to over think it. Sit tight and see how the cards fall. Play the hand your dealt. You get the idea. There will be a really good player at 8. We can use more of those everywhere except RB.
  5. As long as you don't move up I would agree. It would be hard to swallow a stale brick biscuit that you spent your rent money on.
  6. So was I but I thought my response made as much sense as the thread.
  7. I liked Frasier. It was hilarious. So was Cheer's. But that was in Boston. I am not certain Steve has ever lived in Boston. Dave would know but Dave's not here.
  8. I'm not sure I want Teddy teaching him how to football. Mentor him on how to be a professional maybe. But how to QB? No way.
  9. I would love to know the full "true" story of Hurney 2.0's stint. I would imagine it would shock both sides of the debate. Hurney always struck me as a yes man bullsh*t artist more than anything.
  10. What if they decide that one of those QB's that everyone is salivating over in the first isn't worth the capital? What happens to this joint if they pick one in the second or third for instance? I imagine that the faith in Fitz and Rhule will immediately be lost by the Huddle and whom think it is a much better evaluator of talent than the professionals.
  11. Yes they do. Too many think this is a slam dunk picking any of the supposed top 4 but I suggest buyer beware. Going into the NFL is a whole different level than these guys are use to, even for Lawrence and Jones.
  12. What little there is of it. I wouldn't want my job riding on picking one of these guys to succeed. I just don't see what others see in these guys beyond Trevor. Even he has an uphill battle where he's going.
  13. I never put any stock in underwear olympics. Game tape is the only thing you can truly measure and that can be misleading also. It takes more than physical ability to be successful in the NFL. It's what's between the ears and in their heart that gives them a fighting chance.
  14. ...and it's easy to make those throws with no defense in your face while wearing shorts.
  15. I think they are interested in a QB upgrade for sure. Which of these guys that is will depend greatly how they rank them and if their board falls like they planned. Other than that I would not read anything into the visits this time of year.
  16. Rhule is there with Fiterererrr to see where Fit would rank him and where he will be on their board. They have no shot at the top 2 so you have to rank the rest. It's not that complicated.
  17. What do you think Teddy gives you? We would be in the exact same situation next year, 5 or 6 wins and still looking from the outside in. No thanks, I'll take my chances on greatly improving or bottoming out and have my choice of the QB's in the next draft thank you very much.
  18. He forgets to mention that although the D did struggle to hold the lead the offense always had the ball with more than enough time to seal a victory. As usual Teddy went limp and the results are what you saw.
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