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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. My question is what are they going to do if he's still stinking it up for another 2 or 3 games? Will they put Dalton out there to stink it up for a couple of games? Then what? Street free agent or bring in the Plummer?
  2. "Old age and treachery beats youth and exuberance every time"
  3. Wait until you are an old guy. You will see where us old farts are coming from.
  4. They will not survive if they keep looking the way the did on Sunday. I'm sure Tepper doesn't care who's the qb is by now as long as they are winning. Young is a sunk cost and some point they will have to stop the bleeding on offense if he craps the bed many more games. Now the defense is another matter that's being overlooked because Young is all the rage. This team is soft and that's on the coaches.
  5. I'm thinking he cans the lot of them. Sunday was just too bad in all phases to overlook the coaching staff and their roll in it. Things better change in a hurry because there's no way Tepper is going to accept another 2 win or less season.
  6. Oh he can do something alright. He's removed himself as long as things improve or operates to his liking. There's no way he will sit through 17 more game of humiliation and not do something. You should know by now he can only take so much. If Canales is smart he will not let the situation get too far out of hand before he does something to win some games.
  7. I would be shocked if that happened. It would be out of character for him to tolerate that much suckage. I would have to see it to believe it.
  8. I think 2 more stinkers in a row is about all Tepper will be able to stomach before he loses it.
  9. They will lose this game and the only thing in the Panthers fan world will care about is how Bryce played. His career is hanging by a thread.
  10. I'm thinking Bryce cannot afford to have another game like the last one. He's already on a downward spiral out of the league and the season just started. The only thing that is buying him time now is that the alternative is a washed up Andy Dalton. Another stinker and it will get hot in Teppers suite next Sunday.
  11. People will say anything for clicks and followers, even if it is knowingly false. Controversy sells and if there isn't any someone will create it just to make a buck.
  12. Jack was playing against guys no longer in the league. I'm ready for a change as much as anyone but don't expect it to look or be any better if he's thrown out there. If it's just for entertainment value then yes I'm all for it.
  13. Tomato, potato, you guys are debating irrelevant events that would not change anything about the current state of this team. I think it's time to bury the debate altogether don't you? I mean it's only a matter of how many games will it take before this schurad ends and the team sits him. Save your powder for the next guy.
  14. There should be. I've said that from the beginning.
  15. It's never happened so I cannot say. I cannot imagine any scenario where they even care.
  16. Hrs not going to last long as the coach.
  17. All of them will at some point based on the team that showed up yesterday. The Panthers will be everyone's get right game this season.
  18. I'm not sure he will be able to recover from his time here. If he had any chance at all to succeed it vanished like a fart in the wind yesterday.
  19. He's got a lot of miles on him. He's been a solid RT for his entire career but it will not last forever. I'm surprised he's held up this long to be honest. I don't think he's missed a game in like...ever.
  20. Of course it wasn't. The offense struggled because Young struggled. Anyone who watch the oline last season a watch the oline yesterday has to know it was night and day different. Was it perfect? Hell no. But it was good enough to say they were not the reason they lost.
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