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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. It takes me too long to proof read. Bite me, I'm old.
  2. NO EDITS FOR YOU!!! Igo/Zod is drunk with power.
  3. He flew in. That's why it took so long. His arms are tired from all that flapping.
  4. We certainly took a hit with the Richardson fiasco.
  5. I'm sure they will try to get something out of him before the draft. My hope is they will eventually cut him so we have the option of signing him off the street. I would not trade picks for him or Watson. I do not want to watch another QB end his career because the team didn't (in this case couldn't) build a team around him. Do not seek the treasure!
  6. I agree, I was just talking out of my ass again. We are the suck.
  7. Well we are technically slight worse so I guess there is only a handful. It seems to change every season but unlike them we managed to stay middling.
  8. I mean if he is our only realistic option then I say give it a shot. It keeps you from over drafting because of need. I'm not advocating for or against him but I'm saying you shouldn't rule him out. I still think they stay at 8 and take their chances. I will say that I think they take someone at 8 that will make the huddle melt down. And it will be glorious.
  9. Teddy starts the season. After that all bets are off.
  10. It's a typo. I'm not fast enough on the edit button before it gets locked and your typos live on in infamy.
  11. Not a long term solution but could hold the fort until they find the next guy. It gives you options for a couple of years. So it's not a terrible choice, unlike the Teddy signing. But I am just an observer. I'm just a guy trying to make my way across the universe.
  12. What rock have you been hiding under? This is how your government works.
  13. I guess you weren't around to suffer through all of his tenure, both of them. The man has scared the franchise and the fan base so bad that will take years for us to get over.
  14. You will have to tune in next season to find out. Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine!
  15. That's an interesting take but you also have to consider that you cannot predict where those other 2 first's will fall. They could just as easily be CMC level as easily as they could be Vernon level. You could also draft a Pro bowl level QB anywhere in the draft or even an UDFA. It's a crapshoot. This is a losers bet by going all in on one player.
  16. I hate to tell you this but it's not up to us where it's built but make no mistake one is coming. But will it be at a site near you? Stay tuned for more after this commercial.
  17. Then you better hope he buys this site and builds his new stadium there. A new stadium will be built at some point and this is your best shot.
  18. What will it be when Samuel leaves and they have to toss in DJ on the trade for Watson. Not looking so good now.
  19. People actually buy used underwear? Hell I have some drawers I've been wearing for at least 20 years that could be worth a fortune. People love vintage poo.
  20. It sure looks like they want to get the number one pick next year. They will certainly have the staff capable of pulling it off without even trying to tank.
  21. The only thing I can come up with is Moton must not want to play LT. Because I can see no reason why they didn't at least try.
  22. He will play. There's too much money involved for him not to.
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