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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. The first one yes, was against that one also. But Marty compounded that mistake by extending him again.
  2. Pull the band-aid off now and cut your losses. They have paid him a butt load of money to sit on the beach for damn near 3 seasons. Hell no to another extension.
  3. I sure did. It's been a common theme in BOA to extend aging injury riddled fan favorites beyond their expiration date. I was again Nippleshorts extending him as well but I have control over what happens in BOA. Maybe the new brain trust will have a different approach. One can only hope.
  4. Marty extended him if you haven't forgotten. KK should have be released instead of extending. That's Marty's calling card.
  5. Marty, the gift that keeps on giving.
  6. If you want to trade CMC to anyone it would be Denver. You would get the most in return anyway. Huston does not want him in this scenario. Maybe a 3 way trade of some sort could be worked out. Also I doubt you will find anyone to take on Teddy and his contract.
  7. I will let you know when the season starts.
  8. So let me get this straight, you want to basically swap situations with the Texans? I mean if you give up what it's going to take acquire Watson then you will be in the same boat they are now and they will be in ours. Think about that for a minute.
  9. Where in my statement did I champion for Teddy B.? Are you high? You guys are awful worked up over this pipedream this morning.
  10. So? That's their problem. Are you suggesting that because they missed on the last few QBs that we don't try to draft one because we are sure to miss as well?
  11. No, but you have get as much talent everywhere on the team that you can. It's a constant churn to keep a team competitive. Agree to disagree.
  12. They drafted him. They didn't trade the farm for him when they were rebuilding.
  13. The Packers, Chiefs and Bills can afford to because they drafted their franchise QB's, duh.
  14. And that strategy has rarely ever worked. We will see what the Bucs look like next season once they get bounced from the playoffs.
  15. Who said use 1st round picks on depth? I get that you guys are star struck over Watson but the reality is he alone cannot do it all. You need a complete team and brother this team is not complete, not even close.
  16. Kinda goes against the one player away philosophy don't it? That's called going all in for ONE shot at a SB title.
  17. And when those few pieces get injured and the loses start piling up because you have no depth or heaven forbid your high priced big name qb that you traded away all your capital for building to acquire then what?
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