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Jon Snow

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  1. Way too many Carolina connection players on that list. It's time to expand our search.
  2. Careful, you will bring back the eggshell penis.
  3. Caleb was/is a generational prospect? That's the first time I've heard that.
  4. I'll take the later every time if given the choice.
  5. That was not the worst attempt at the National Anthem I've ever heard. But it was rough to sit through.
  6. When he's not hurt hes ok. He's been out more than JC Horn. Time to cut bait and move on.
  7. I would be surprised if Sanders goes before 8. There's talk that he may not go in the 1st at all. Dallas can probably get him without moving up but Jerry doesn't need to know that.
  8. What will you give us for 8 Jerry?
  9. I cannot see them releasing both as they are thin at the position as it is. If anything their backups should be worried about having a job here next season. Barno and Johnson are not cutting it.
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