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Jon Snow

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About Jon Snow

  • Birthday 09/07/1961

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  1. Mediocrity would be an improvement. It doesn't seem like they are not going to settle for the status quo. I agree. It's time for another churn.
  2. They have repeatedly mentioned Safety as a huge need. Free Agency will not solve the problem long term and that is what they are looking for.
  3. Any mock without a S between rounds 2 and 4 is not paying attention.
  4. I think Washington makes a run at him. They have the cap space to get him.
  5. There's no clear cut top 10. There's players being way overhyped like Ward, Sanders and Warren for example. This a bad year to have a top 10 pick. The best players are going to be taken in the bottom of the 1st mark my words.
  6. But I was told that you would be propping Young up if you give him weapons? He is supposed to elevate the scrub players around him? You guys need to make up your minds.
  7. The Titans are willing to trade the 1st pick so I'd say there's no guarantee a qb goes in the top 10.
  8. I really liked the drills they put them through. Iwas more impressed with the catches than the 40 times. Some of the qb's helped themselves as well.
  9. They will have to take who they want at 8 and not worry about trying to trade back. They will have take whoever they want even if it's considered a reach.
  10. Never heard of adding or subtracting time because of size. You run what you run.
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