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Everything posted by Wanderlai

  1. I just hope Tepper does not green light going after another mediocre to bad QB once Watson nails the coffin shut. My hunch is Rhule will swing again for one to try and save his job. Teddy disaster, Darnold even worse disaster, round 3....heaven help us.
  2. Panthers went from a halfway respected organization to a damn joke of a franchise since Tepper bought it.
  3. Waiting for the inevitable lock on the thread once he goes to NO
  4. “A team ran by squirrels that chewed their way into the attic”...that guy gets this franchise lol
  5. inside source confirms Garry Cobb is Corn Pop
  6. What are the Saints offering??? Limitless beads and gumbo?
  7. Sure seems like Watson does NOT want to be here. Can’t blame him with Rhule being the coach. He is doing his best to find anyone other than the Panthers otherwise this deal would be done.
  8. Rhule as there so that’s a wrap folks. What could he possibly say that can sway Watson?
  9. Panthers fan reaction in a nutshell reading this
  10. Thanks Rhule for running the team into the ground. We will be a doormat in this league for a looooong time.
  11. My opinion....we don’t really have a chance. Watson has control. Why would he agree to come to this franchise if he has better options. Rhule and co drove the team into the dirt. We would have to give up a kings ransom to get Watson which only makes the team worse. We are doomed pretty much. Small market franchise with no talent around him plus word is out Rhule sucks. He would have to be certified crazy to come here.
  12. I wished he would have hired someone that could have prevented signing Teddy then trading for Sam.
  13. You can’t win without a top end QB. They cover a lot of holes on a team. Watson would make the team better overall but it will take time to fill the holes. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. It is ironic him coming to this franchise since we just made JR sell the franchise for being a perv.
  14. Yep. It’s broken down Cam, Deer in the headlights Sam, or trading for Cousins or Garappalo. Given those options may as well get Watson baggage and all.
  15. We are bound to make a trade for a QB....again. Considering the options Watson is by far the best talent available. If they don’t get him then it’s some other sorry ass QB to add to the pile.
  16. We are on our way to cementing this franchise as the doormat of the league.
  17. This franchise will have to be tore down to the studs before Rhule is done. Tepper should have kicked him out but he is giving him another year to tear this house apart until nothing is left.
  18. This franchise needs an intervention. Trading assets for Cousins is a cry for help.
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