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Everything posted by Wanderlai

  1. There is no doubt we took the wrong QB. CJ is not just good, he is elite. Now we get to hand Chicago possibly another elite QB at #1. How nobody gets fired is mind boggling
  2. Shoulder injury Cam could throw the ball farther down the field than Bryce can and we crucified him for it.
  3. As they should. It’s intervention time. I watched a bunch of the Texans game…CJ was slinging missiles out there and that last 46 second drive….Rogers and Mahomes level mastery.
  4. At some point they have to take the keys away. So many god awful decisions since Tepper bought the team. He literally should do the opposite of whatever he is thinking.
  5. We made a huge mistake. CJ is elite. Bryce can’t do what CJ is doing. He doesn’t have that arm and accuracy. Hell…maybe only 5 guys in the league can do what he is doing and he is a rookie. Time to switch over and watch Bryce line of scrimmage the hell out of the ball.
  6. How does anyone watch their games? They are almost never on tv and nba league pass blacks the games out locally I think. It’s almost like they don’t want people to watch.
  7. The have enough talent to win on paper and the bonus is Miller being better faster than expected but….something is not clicking fir this team. The coach no doubt is not great. Melo is underwhelming after a max contract. I was concerned because he never came off as being a focused dawg of a player. He just was out there having fun. Miles issues are never ending. I doubt they can trade him for a ham sammich. He is talented but to self destructive to bank on.
  8. Nice to see Miller playing well.
  9. It was ugly but anything to keep the Bears from #1
  10. The Bagent kid could be a diamond like Purdy. His dad is Travis Bagent a renowned pro arm wrestler back in his day. He was intense. If he is anything like his dad look out.
  11. Oh nice blocked in my area on YouTube TV. Is that an NBA thing or a Hornets thing???
  12. That’s like my wife giving me permission to sleep with Scarlett Johansson….fantasy land.
  13. That’s like a Christmas list of what you hope to get in reality your Christmas presents are coming from the Dollar Store.
  14. I expect the Panthers to go full Joe Biden…zero questions, read a few talking points, and stagger off in the wrong direction.
  15. Bears game is the only winnable one and they have every reason in the world to beat us.
  16. Doubtful. He can’t throw deep, coaches don’t want him throwing deep, we have no game breaking WR.
  17. If we lose to the Bears then 0-17 is a legit possibility.
  18. It’s bad when PJ Walker looks way better than your #1 pick.
  19. Can’t wait for the Chicago game….may end in a tie.
  20. Tepper’s plan for BoA….black cats thrown in for free
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