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  1. That was a fluke run just like Hubert’s run to the Championship game his first year. Granted State has sucked balls for decades so the 1st real success they had enough lol
  2. Lakers checked the carfax….came up as a salvage title smh
  3. True but the hit rate in Hornets history has been pathetic especially the Bobcat/post Bobcat years. Mark showed signs of being a piece to franchise success but can’t stay healthy. Melo stats hurt to. Miller out. Should change the name to the Charlotte Red Cross.
  4. If only they can hit on the picks
  5. They better hope they get the #1 pick so they can trade Cooper on draft night for some magic beans
  6. Have the Chiefs passed the Brady era Patriots as most hated yet?
  7. All clearly touched the ground. Ref fugery in full swing.
  8. I really didn’t want the Chiefs to win another ring but I’ll have to pull for them over Philly if the Bills lose which I hope they don’t.
  9. Washington officially unplugged their WiFi lol
  10. Wow.. never heard that before
  11. A TD here and it’s time to find a movie to watch lol
  12. And now they win games when it doesn’t matter….like the Panthers….is it a Charlottes thing lol
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